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Model text of letter from home (letter from home format)

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1. Go to Baidu Wenku to check the complete content>The content comes from users: how to write a family letter to send nine pictures and texts, how to write a family letter, how to write a family letter to people who are far away from their relatives, go out to work or study. They always want to know the situation at home, hope that everything is safe and everything is going well, so they often write family letters to greet each other and communicate information.

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2. The family letter expresses the writer's concern and consideration for his family, which helps to deepen the feelings between relatives and relieve the suspense caused by their separation.

3. If you want to write a family letter cordially and tastefully, you must put yourself in the other's shoes.

4. For example, Lu Xun thought that his mother who lived in the city had just recovered from her stomach disease and was still weak because of the strong wind in Peiping reported, so he thought of it very much and hoped that the old man would have more rest.

5. The letter does not use much ink, but filial piety is expressed in words, which is far more affectionate than the general saying of "take care".

6. At the same time, family letters should also be able to write the feelings of missing relatives. Guo Moruo's letters to his parents when he was studying in a foreign country are also very representative.

7. Write about the coming New Year, in the independent building, looking at home, remembering the joy of reunion in the past; The lingering affection is on the paper.

8. Guo Moruo also put forward the principle of "home letters are more detailed", and opposed to using pieces of letters only to blame, which is very reasonable, because even seemingly insignificant things (such as parents' food and living, weather changes in hometown, etc.) may affect the hearts of tourists.

9. The greeting letters he wrote not only salute his parents, but also care about his brothers and sisters, which is worth our reference.

10. We usually write letters. If we don't have time to inquire one by one, we can express our greetings to the whole family at the end of the letter and wish "the whole family is lucky". Fan Wenyi: a letter between brothers.

This is the end of this article. I hope it will be helpful to you.

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