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Shanghai Shenzhen Stock Connect | Rongsheng Petrochemical obtained 539800 foreign shares on September 7

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According to the data of Flush (300033), Rongsheng Petrochemical (002493) won 539800 shares from foreign investors on September 7, 2023. Up to now, Lu Gutong has held 157 million shares of Rongsheng Petrochemical, accounting for 1.65% of the outstanding shares, with a total holding cost of 10.93 yuan and a holding profit of 11.52%.

Rongsheng Petrochemical has dropped 0.49% in the last five trading days, and Lugutong has bought 3.102 million shares in total, accounting for 0.03% of the circulation list, with an average buying price of 12.33 yuan in the range; In the last 20 trading days, it has dropped 3.41%, and Lugoutong has sold 1.4223 million shares in total, accounting for 0.01% of the current market, with an average selling price of 12.15 yuan; In the last 60 trading days, it has risen by 5.72%, and Lugoutong has bought 9.4198 million shares in total, accounting for 0.10% of the circulating price. The average buying price in the range is 12.08 yuan.

List of recent foreign capital transactions of Rongsheng Petrochemical

date Shareholding Proportion in outstanding shares (%) Daily net purchase amount (yuan) Daily net trading volume (shares) Accumulated holding cost (yuan)
2023-9-7 157 million one point six five 6 million 629 thousand and 300 539 thousand and 800 ten point nine three
2023-9-6 156 million one point six five -9.0545 million -730300 ten point nine three
2023-9-5 157 million one point six five -1617500 -130400 ten point nine three
2023-9-4 157 million one point six six 52 million 72 thousand and 800 4 million 189 thousand and 500 ten point nine three
2023-8-31 153 million one point six one -9.298 million -766700 ten point eight nine
2023-8-30 154 million one point six two 11 million 23 thousand and 300 897 thousand and 300 ten point nine zero
2023-8-29 153 million one point six one -55.5199 million -4.5568 million ten point eight nine
2023-8-28 157 million one point six six 14 million 138 thousand and 300 1 million 152 thousand and 100 ten point nine three
2023-8-25 156 million one point six five -11.718 million -992000 ten point nine two
2023-8-24 157 million one point six six 7 million 795 thousand and 900 661 thousand and 500 ten point nine two

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