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Communication! Sungrow Power Supply, Longji Green Energy and other 9 shares received a net inflow of more than 200 million yuan

(Data picture)

On December 2, according to the statistics of Databao, the huge single net outflow of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets throughout the day was 5.937 billion yuan. Among them, the net inflow of nine extra large orders exceeded 200 million yuan, the net inflow of Sanwei Xin'an extra large orders was 533 million yuan, and the net inflow of extra large orders ranked first; Among the top net inflow funds are Sungrow Power, Longji Green Energy, Vico Technologies, Kelu Electronics, Pace Pharma, etc. From the perspective of Shenyi industry, today there are eight industries with the largest single net inflow of capital, and the largest single net inflow of power equipment, with a net inflow of 2.189 billion yuan; Media, computer, building decoration and other industries also rank top in net inflow funds. (Securities Times)

key word: Sungrow Power Supply, Longji Green Energy and other 9 shares received a net inflow of more than 200 million yuan

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