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Look: Strangers, please give me a Lanzhou

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Yesterday afternoon, Lanzhou Chengtou failed to pay the interest of PPN in time. The market was in a uproar, and Lao Wang was unmoved. He thought that he would pay it back in the end. What a joke! It's only a small amount of money, and the whole province must pay it back. Sure enough, Lanzhou Chengtou will pay the interest of 5248000.00 yuan to the PPN special account later.

Urban investment belief recharges again, and investors betting on urban investment are happy again.

If the urban investment bonds must have just been paid, the difference between the coupon rate of urban investment bonds and the interest rate of local government bonds is a proper arbitrage space.

The urban investment is still stable, and most areas are honest, paying the principal and interest, borrowing new for old, and orderly; A few disobedient people, or those with limited ability, can always pay back the money in the end, and then they will inevitably be beaten by the capital market.

These delays, procrastination and even intentional truancy have proved to be useless in the end. In particular, it also aggravates the market's disapproval of the region. Originally, it was an online celebrity. It was not easy to find some money in the market. Now, in addition to this kind of thing, those who are timid dare not run here. Those who are brave dare to come, but they have to pay more. Why!

The superior unit should go out for a walk later to show its attitude and show its muscles. As for debt, it is not difficult to borrow again if you borrow and pay back. All debts must be rolled over. If the "continuation" is blocked, I'm afraid that even the provinces and cities with the richest economic strength can't hold their own debts. In the end, there is no need to pay back. If you still pay back, it will not be a fierce operation. Finally, the financing cost adds more than N BP.

It is strongly recommended that all provinces and cities set an advance amount for the repayment of principal and interest in some online celebrity areas, pay the interest on August 29, and let him transfer the money to the Zhongdeng account on August 26, and then report to the city or province, so as to mobilize resources.

key word: Strangers Please give me a Lanzhou Lanzhou Urban Investment Repayment of principal and interest

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