Withdrawal of housing provident fund from rental housing in the administrative area of Chengdu will be subject to the new policy _ China Venture Capital Network
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New policies will be implemented for housing provident fund withdrawn from rental housing in administrative areas of Chengdu

The reporter recently learned from the Housing and Urban Rural Development Department of Sichuan Province that from September 1, the new policy will be implemented for the withdrawal of housing provident fund in the administrative area of Chengdu, and the monthly limit will be added to the withdrawal limit for the first time.

It is reported that Chengdu will limit the amount of provident fund for employees and their spouses to rent houses in different regions when employees provide rental record certificates. For example, if the rental housing is located in Chengdu High tech Zone, Jinjiang District, Qingyang District, Jinniu District, Wuhou District and Chenghua District, the monthly withdrawal amount of employees shall not exceed 1340 yuan and the annual cumulative withdrawal amount shall not exceed 16000 yuan; The total monthly withdrawal amount of employees and their spouses shall not exceed 2680 yuan, and the cumulative annual withdrawal amount shall not exceed 32000 yuan. However, in the case that the employee does not provide the rental filing certificate: the annual cumulative withdrawal amount of the employee does not exceed 8400 yuan, and the annual cumulative withdrawal amount of the employee and his/her spouse does not exceed 16800 yuan.

In terms of co tenancy, if a house is rented by more than one person, the total cumulative rental withdrawal of the house in each natural year (January 1 to December 31 of the year) does not exceed 32000 yuan.

key word: Chengdu Withdrawal of housing fund

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