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Yuebao Branch of Bank of China helped the Egyptian government to issue 3.5 billion yuan of sustainable development sovereign panda bonds

China News Network, Johannesburg, October 18 (Reporter Wang Xi) According to the disclosure of Bank of China, Johannesburg Branch, on October 18, local time, Bank of China, as the lead underwriter and bookkeeper, assisted the Egyptian government in successfully issuing 3.5 billion yuan of sustainable development panda bonds in the Chinese inter-bank market.


It is worth mentioning that this issuance has achieved a breakthrough of zero Panda Bond in Africa, and it is also the first sustainable development sovereign Panda Bond and the first sovereign Panda Bond with guarantee structure.

The raised funds of the Panda Bond will be used for special sustainable expenditures in line with the Sustainable Sovereign Financing Framework of Egypt, including but not limited to climate protected agriculture, clean transportation, sustainable water and wastewater management, sanitation, affordable housing, affordable infrastructure, digital infrastructure, renewable energy and biodiversity protection, It highlights the achievements of China Egypt cooperation in the fields of sustainable development and debt capital markets, and is a milestone in promoting China Africa high-quality joint construction of the "Belt and Road" and expanding the use of RMB in Africa.

During the issuance process, Bank of China Johannesburg Branch gave full play to overseas front-line marketing and support functions, and sent personnel to the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank of Egypt to carry out on-site work.

According to Bank of China Johannesburg Branch, this time it helped the Egyptian government to issue sustainable bonds, marking a new breakthrough in the Panda Bond business. In the next stage, Johannesburg Branch will continue to implement the national strategy, build a bridge for China Africa financial cooperation, and make new contributions to China South Africa and China Africa economic and trade cooperation. (End)

key word: Johannesburg Egypt branch issue Inter-bank market

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