The 4th China International Expo Online Promotion Conference for Middle East Countries was held to promote bilateral economic and trade cooperation
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The 4th China Expo Online Promotion Conference for Middle East Countries was held to promote bilateral economic and trade cooperation

On May 24, the 4th China International Import Expo Middle East country The online promotion meeting was successfully held. The promotion meeting was organized by China International Import Expo Bureau country Jointly hosted by the Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai) and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, representatives of the business offices of the Chinese embassies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait, and heads of Dubai Export Bureau and Abu Dhabi Khalifa Industrial Park attended and delivered speeches from Dubai Customs and Abu Dhabi country Oil companies, Qatar Free Trade Zone, etc near 150 Middle East country Government and enterprise representatives participated online.

The "Silk Road" and "Spice Road" are the Middle East country The trade exchanges with China have a long history. near Over the years“ The Belt and Road Initiative ”Led by the initiative, the Middle East country The trade volume with China is growing rapidly, and the Middle East country The trade structure with China has become increasingly diversified, and participation in the Expo has played an important role in promoting Middle East enterprises to expand the Chinese market. country Ning Feng, Vice President of Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai), spoke positively about the Middle East at the promotion meeting country Enterprises attach importance to and participate in the Expo. He said that the first three sessions of the Expo have near 20 Middle East country More than 430 enterprises from the United Arab Emirates, olive soaps from Lebanon, camel ornaments from Saudi Arabia, and gold thread embroidery from Qatar are all welcomed by Chinese consumers. We look forward to more Middle Eastern enterprises bringing the most distinctive products to the Expo, further exploring the Chinese market with great potential, and sharing the opportunities of China's economic development.

Xie Qinsheng, Economic and Commercial Minister Counsellor of the Chinese Embassy in Saudi Arabia, said that the Middle East country In the future, the potential of export to China is huge. I hope to work together with friends from governments and business circles in the Middle East to make full use of the vast space built by the World Trade Fair flat Taiwan, promoting the Middle East country Export of commodities to China, deepen exchanges and cooperation, and contribute to the economic recovery of Middle East countries as soon as possible. Wang Weijing, Deputy General Manager of International Business Department of ICBC, said that as an official partner of the Expo, ICBC near In the past two years, China EU Entrepreneurs Conference was successfully held finance The cooperation forum and other supporting activities have yielded fruitful results and had a wide impact. ICBC will continue to play its role as a bridge flat Taiwan held more wonderful activities to help China and the Middle East in economic and trade cooperation and seek common development.

Today, the Expo has become one of the best channels for export enterprises in the Middle East to enter the Chinese market. As a government agency in Dubai, the Dubai Export Bureau spoke highly of the importance of entering the Expo flat Taiwan hopes that exporters from Dubai and the Middle East will actively explore the Chinese market and promote economic and trade cooperation between the Middle East and China. (Reporter Wang Junpeng)

key word: Entry Expo Middle East countries on-line Promotion meeting

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