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Taiyuan Community Tour · Send "Fu" to Wanjia

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On August 22, the first Moutai Family Taiyuan Wine Community Benefiting Thematic Activity was successfully held in more than 20 communities in Xi'an, which also marked the official opening of the "Maotai Family Taiyuan Wine Community Benefiting Thematic Activity" for more than two months.

According to the relevant staff of Shaanxi Longyu Commerce and Trade Co., Ltd., the organizer of this event, from August 22 to October 31, Taiyuan Wine will go to 100 communities in Xi'an to carry out 200 free tasting activities. While tasting products, there will be brand activities, fan interaction and other fine content. The purpose of this activity is to accompany hundreds of millions of families and bring more surprises to the people's happy life.

The wind blows "Taiyuan", sending "Fu" to Wanjia

Up to now, Taiyuan Liquor has successively entered Ziyu Mansion, Evergrande Mingdu, Xinfang Green Garden and other communities. With exquisite liquor display and unique wine ceremony interaction, Taiyuan Liquor has attracted many attention once it was unveiled at the event site. A group of Maotai flavor wine lovers have tasted Taiyuan quality wine for free, which is more important for its plump body, harmonious taste, suppleness, delicacy The obvious taste of sweet back is appreciated.

Speaking of Taiyuan Liquor, many consumers are not unfamiliar with it. It has a history of 38 years and is a product of the Moutai family with a price of 100 yuan. One of its goals is to deeply cultivate community and other grassroots markets and sink to "thousands of households". At the activity site of entering the community to benefit the people, the staff introduced some small knowledge of soy sauce wine to the community residents in detail, and shared the development history, taste characteristics, craftsmanship, etc. of Taiyuan wine. With the blessing of the free tasting activity, a wave of Taiyuan wine sales craze started on the site. This time, Taiyuan wine also linked the product to the table of many families, Let consumers share the beautiful products, beautiful life and beautiful links of the Moutai family.

156 yuan soy sauce wine to brew a better life for consumers

In recent years, with the continuous cultivation of the consumer market, Maotai flavor liquor has a huge market foundation, and the volume of the public price segment has reached 150 billion. Taiyuan Liquor, with a unified sales price of 156 yuan/bottle, opened the public's imagination of soy sauce liquor. At the beginning of its listing, it received enthusiastic attention and strong support from the industry, consumers and dealers, relying on the Maotai brand, quality and marketing.

Since Taiyuan liquor landed in Xi'an market, Shaanxi Longyu Commerce and Trade Co., Ltd., as the regional agent of Taiyuan liquor in Xi'an, has held several marketing landing activities, ranging from "Tasting Taiyuan, Seeking Delicacies" to "Tasting Taiyuan, Meeting Friends" tasting official licensing and thank-you activities, and then to the theme activities of benefiting people in 100 communities of Taiyuan liquor, Many consumers have a more intuitive understanding of Taiyuan Liquor through brand publicity and direct product contact on the spot delivered to consumers again and again.

As "popular Maotai flavor liquor, people friendly quality liquor, and terminal consumption liquor", Taiyuan is a 100 yuan liquor with both quality, brand and cost performance. With its own excellent strength, it has broken through the new popular Maotai liquor, and the huge market demand has paved a new growth track for Taiyuan. Taiyuan will persevere in its original intention to brew a better life for consumers with "the beauty of Maotai and the happiness of Taiyuan".

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