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Global Micro Dynamics: The first three quarters of Quanzhu's revenue fell by 57.55% year on year, with a net loss of 710 million yuan

(Data map)

On October 31, China.com Finance and Economics: Quanzhu Shares (603030. SH) released its report for the third quarter of 2022, which showed that due to the impact of the industry and the largest customer, the company's business shrank, resulting in a sharp decline in revenue and a net profit loss of 710 million yuan.

The specific financial data shows that in the third quarter of 2022, the operating revenue of Quanzhu Shares will be 429 million yuan, down 60.2% year on year; The net profit loss attributable to shareholders of the listed company was 58.8932 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 6104.48%; The non net profit loss attributable to the shareholders of the listed company was 52.153 million yuan.

In the first three quarters, the operating income of Quanzhu was 1.392 billion yuan, down 57.55% year on year; The net profit loss attributable to shareholders of the listed company was 710 million yuan.

key word: Quanzhu Shares

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