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Global observation: Xi'an: families with two children and above can buy a new house. New families without houses can buy the first second-hand house

On November 21, China.com Finance and Economics: China.com Finance and Economics learned from the official website of Xi'an Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau that the Xi'an Coordination Leading Group for Promoting the Steady and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market issued the Notice on Issues Related to Supporting Rigid and Improved Housing Demand.

The Notice clearly states that from November 19, the first second-hand housing can be purchased in the housing purchase restricted area by the households who move into Xi'an from outside the city and have no housing in the housing purchase restricted area.

A non Xi'an registered household without housing in the housing purchase restricted area, who holds the Xi'an Residence Certificate and has paid social insurance or individual income tax in this city for six months before the date of purchase, can purchase a second-hand housing.

(Related data drawing)

Various types of approved imports personnel , in the housing purchase restricted area of Xi'an There is no need to provide social insurance or personal income tax related certification materials when purchasing housing

Qualified for housing purchase in Xi'an Families with two children and above can purchase a new house on the basis of the number of restricted houses in the restricted housing area When the third house purchased by a family with two or more children is a newly built commercial house, it should be classified as "ordinary family".

Lintong District, Shanglin Street, Fengdong New Town, Xixian New District, Gaoqiao Street, Mawang Street, Fengxi New Town, and entrusted by the High tech Zone Non restricted areas are no longer included in the scope of housing purchase and sale restrictions in Xi'an

The following is the original text of the Notice on Issues Related to Supporting Rigid and Improved Housing Demand:

People's governments of all districts and counties, all working departments of the municipal people's government, and all institutions directly under the municipal people's government:

In order to further support the demand for rigid and improved housing, attract various talents to innovate and start businesses in our city, and promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate market, the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

1、 Residents who move into the city from outside the city and have no housing in the housing purchase restriction area can purchase the first second-hand housing in the housing purchase restriction area after settling in the city.

2、 A non registered resident family without housing in the housing purchase restricted area, who holds a residence permit in this city and has paid social insurance or individual income tax in this city for six months before the date of purchase, can purchase a second-hand housing.

3、 All kinds of talents approved to be introduced are not required to provide social insurance or personal income tax related certificates when purchasing houses in the housing purchase restricted areas of our city.

4、 Families with two children and above who meet the city's housing purchase qualification can purchase a new house on the basis of the number of restricted houses in the housing purchase restricted area. When the third house purchased by a family with two or more children is a newly built commercial house, it should be classified as "ordinary family".

5、 Lintong District, Shanglin Street of Fengdong New Town in Xixian New District, Gaoqiao Street and Mawang Street of Fengxi New Town, and the non restricted purchase areas entrusted by the High tech Zone are no longer included in the scope of housing purchase and sale restrictions in our city.

This notice shall take effect from the date of issuance. In case of any inconsistency between the original relevant provisions and this notice, this notice shall prevail.

Xi'an Coordination Leading Group for Promoting the Steady and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market

November 19, 2022

key word: Property market regulation

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