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Changsha Free Trade Airport Area UAV Industry Development White Paper Released to Accelerate the Construction of Airport Industry New Town

On September 2, the White Paper on the Development of UAV Industry in Changsha Free Trade Zone, the First City of China's Civil UAV Industry, was officially released at the special investment promotion activity of the airport area in Changsha area of China (Hunan) Pilot Free Trade Zone (hereinafter referred to as "Changsha Free Trade Airport") with the theme of "Building China's First Civil UAV City", 2 strategic cooperation projects and 16 investment promotion projects were signed investment The amount is 26.5 billion yuan, demonstrating the huge development potential of Changsha Free Trade Airport.

Walking here, entrepreneurs on the ground are talking happily, and drones in the sky are "competing for beauty". Looking ahead, science and technology centers are growing everywhere, and experience project construction is in full swing... According to the requirements of "forming in three years and becoming a city in five years", the district is relying on the Changsha Zhuzhou Xiangtan metropolitan area, seizing the "blue sky opportunity", and is building a new airport industrial city at an unprecedented airport speed——

Strategic guidance, golden opportunities become industry drivers

UAV is an important part of the digital economy, with digital, information and intelligent operation characteristics. The 14th Five Year Plan proposes to accelerate the digital development and build a digital China. The integration of UAV and digital economy is a progressive process that constantly stimulates the development momentum of UAV and makes it an important position of digital economy. It vividly interprets the internal logic of the "new stage, new concept and new pattern" of the "14th Five Year Plan" and is a powerful strategic support for the development of UAV industry.

As the first pilot province of nationwide low altitude airspace management reform, Hunan Province proposed the strategy of strengthening provincial conferences, in which it proposed to rely on Changsha Airport Economic Demonstration Zone to build a national important airport industrial base, an important window for regional cooperation and air logistics distribution to connect the world flat Taiwan, which has laid a solid political foundation for the goal of "the first city".

As the top six flat As one of the platforms, Changsha Free Trade Airport has won the full support of the provincial party committee and government. While welcoming the favorable policy, Changsha Free Trade Airport Area also cooperated with and participated in the innovation of system and mechanism to create a "Hunan Model" leading the development of low altitude economy.

Prosperity of industry, solid foundation and fertile soil for industry

Industrial agglomeration is the key to promote economic development. Since this year, Changsha Free Trade Airport Zone has closely focused on leading industries such as aviation services and aviation logistics to attract investment. Now the zone is making great strides towards the goal of building a hundred billion level UAV industrial cluster and helping the province to cultivate a trillion level navigation industry scale. Up to now, Changsha Free Trade Airport has introduced investment Over 40 billion yuan.

The basic support capacity is a stabilizing agent for the development of low altitude economy. Hunan Province is expected to become the province with the most adequate supply and convenient use of low altitude airspace resources in China by accelerating the construction of a pilot project for the management reform of low altitude airspace. Changsha has three general airports such as Kaihui (A2) and two general airports under construction, providing convenient and efficient basic guarantee conditions for general aviation and UAV industry.

Behind the stable and strong industrial foundation, Changsha Free Trade Airport Area has achieved remarkable results in attracting large and strong enterprises and focusing on the development of the whole industrial chain. It is also an important cornerstone for the long-term development of airport economy.

Technology empowers, "intelligence" creates ecology and ignites the industrial engine

To develop low altitude economy, we must first make navigation fly.

Low altitude reform is not a hard reform, nor is it a laissez faire disorderly flight, but through technology empowerment to achieve innovation and change. At present, Changsha has built the first Class A flight service station in central and southern China, taking the lead in realizing the refined management of the whole low altitude airspace, which not only ensures the safety of civil aviation, but also achieves the goal of flying in the whole low altitude airspace.

Science and technology are the primary productive forces. Backed by the National University of Defense Technology, Central South University and other institutions of higher learning and scientific research institutes, Changsha Free Trade Airport Area "borrows the external brain" to boost the transformation of scientific research achievements, and is committed to taking digital operation control network, low altitude route network, etc. as the traction, integrating modern information technology such as 5G, big data, and creating a "low altitude interconnection, everything to home" UAV intelligent operating environment. It can be said that the beautiful vision of realizing the real flight of UAVs into the homes of ordinary people is just around the corner.

General aviation is the main body of low altitude economy, and UAV industry will become the leading industry of low altitude economy. The next step of Changsha Free Trade Airport will be to "build a scenario rich application service system based on demand", "build a full chain industrial system with significant benefits led by intelligent manufacturing", "build a demonstration led scientific and technological research and development system driven by innovation", and "build a dynamic talent training system with education as both wings". Strive to achieve the annual output value of the project and its related supporting industries to reach "10 billion yuan" in the next three years, 50 billion yuan in five years, and become a "100 billion yuan" UAV industry demonstration zone in ten years.

The phoenix will come when the phoenix is tall, and the flowers and butterflies will come. The future Changsha Free Trade Airport Area will continue to take the road of "building the first city of civil UAV industry" and become the leader of the airport era.

key word: Changsha Free Trade Airport UAV industry Airport Industrial New Town Golden opportunity

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