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Jinzhong Yuci District strengthens the employment priority policy to send warm service "gift package" to enterprises

by to implement The policy of reducing burdens, stabilizing jobs and expanding employment, improving the employment environment of enterprises, stabilizing the main channels for market players to absorb employment, increasing efforts to cultivate market players, strengthening the ability to support the bottom and guarantee employment, and effectively stabilizing the economic and social fundamentals. Yuci District of Jinzhong City issued Several Measures to Stabilize Employment and Ensure Employment in Yuci District to further strengthen the employment priority policy, Continuously optimize the business environment.

It is understood that the Measures for Stable Employment and Employment Protection in Yuci District is divided into three major items and 13 minor items, focusing on stable employment in the market and expanding employment, ensuring employment for key groups, optimizing services and promoting employment. Focusing on the overall goal of stable employment and employment protection in the whole district in 2022, Yuci District will send "gift packages" of warm services to enterprises in its jurisdiction.

Gather the market, stabilize employment and expand employment

Vigorously promote the multiplication of market entities. Yuci District Government's monthly multiplication project for market entities to implement Report the situation once, and hold a meeting every quarter to implement At the situation report meeting, the work shall be carried out in strict accordance with the schedule of the special work shift. Yuci District actively builds clusters according to the work policy of increasing the total amount, expanding the scale and improving the quality and efficiency flat Taiwan, optimize the environment, promote the development and growth of various market players. By 2022, the whole district will strive to cultivate 25810 new market players of various types, and consolidate the foundation of stable employment and employment expansion.

We will reduce burdens, stabilize jobs, and expand employment. Yuci District continued to implement the policy of stable post return of unemployment insurance, and the return ratio of small and medium-sized enterprises and individual businesses increased to 90%. Continued implementation phase nature The policy of reducing unemployment insurance rate shall be implemented at 1%. stage nature Implement the policy of delaying payment of social insurance premiums, to implement stage nature Delay the payment of pension, unemployment and work-related injury insurance premiums to ensure that they are fully enjoyed and quickly cashed in.

Support project construction to promote employment. Yuci District promotes the construction of key projects at the district level, and adheres to the overall planning of investment attraction, project construction, and the multiplication of market entities, advancing in an integrated way, promoting each other, and leaping forward as a whole. In 2022, there will be 53 district level key projects and investment projects, which are expected to absorb more than 8600 jobs. Actively coordinate projects and industry competent departments to establish a list of urgent employment needs for key projects, carry out "one enterprise, one line" service activities for projects that have been completed and put into operation, dynamically grasp the specific information of project posts, employment absorption, personnel distribution, etc., and connect with the human resources and social security department to solve enterprise employment, adjust the surplus and shortage of work, and do a good job of employment service guarantee.

Encourage innovation and entrepreneurship to promote employment. Yuci District collected innovative and entrepreneurial projects in industries including new materials, high-end equipment, new energy vehicles, e-commerce logistics, health care, sports and tourism, and continued to carry out the "Yuci District Spark Entrepreneurship Competition" activity, striving to achieve good results in the finals in Jinzhong City and Shanxi Province, and lead by example to drive employment. Further strengthen the support of entrepreneurial guaranteed loans, and focus on the inclusive small WeChat Loan innovation measures, simplified process and improved small WeChat Loan facilities nature And available nature We will vigorously support the employment of e-commerce, WeChat business, purchasing agent, video anchor, online marketing and other new businesses, support the development of night economy, promote self employment, support innovation and entrepreneurship, actively provide entrepreneurial services such as entrepreneurial training, opening guidance, operation management, financing services, and expand new space for entrepreneurship.

to implement We will tighten preferential policies for employment. Yuci District has formulated and issued the Preferential Policies for High Quality Development of Yuci District, further giving play to its unique advantages in regional transportation, dense flow of people and logistics and basic business district resources, and leading the service industry in the whole district to improve quality and efficiency. For small and micro enterprises that absorb less than 100 workers of all kinds in the year and have stable employment for more than half a year, a subsidy of 1000 yuan per person will be given; If there are more than 100 people (including) and stable employment for more than half a year, a subsidy of 1500 yuan per person will be given. For employers who recruit college graduates who graduated in the same year or within two years of graduation, sign labor contracts with them for more than one year and pay social insurance premiums in full, they can be subsidized according to the social insurance premiums actually paid by their units. For small and micro enterprises that recruit college graduates with difficulties in employment and sign labor contracts for more than one year, they will be given a post subsidy of 300 yuan per person per month for a maximum of three years.

Build entrepreneurship incubation flat Sets. Yuci District further strengthens the cultivation of emerging industries, promotes scientific and technological innovation, and builds a digital economy flat Taiwan economy, headquarters economy and other new advantages, actively revised the Administrative Measures of Yuci District Smart Innovation Base, focused on promoting the entry of projects such as Century Xinyuan Digital Economy Industrial Park, Shennong Group Guangyuyuan, Mingji Group and Chengjie Group, actively guiding and encouraging college students with entrepreneurial intentions to start their own businesses, and actively building entrepreneurship flat Taiwan, striving to identify a district level entrepreneurship and employment incubation base within the year.

Focus on key groups to ensure employment

Efforts should be made to promote the employment of college graduates. Yuci District strengthened the organic connection between the recruitment (employment) time of institutions and the employment time of college graduates. In party and government organs, public institutions, social organizations, various enterprises, street communities, and governments investment See Xi Position, see Xi 300 posts are planned, and another 200 posts will be added. See Xi For the employment of 60% of the local minimum wage standard, see Xi Subsidy and accidental injury insurance premium subsidy of 240 yuan per person. For college graduates who first set up small and micro enterprises or engage in self-employed business and have been in normal operation for more than one year since the date of industrial and commercial registration and who have graduated within two years after graduation, no more than 1000 yuan per person and no more than 3000 yuan per person will be given according to the number of job seekers nature Entrepreneurship subsidies. For college graduates who start their own businesses and operate normally for more than 6 months, they will be given a site rental subsidy of no more than 2000 yuan per year for a maximum of 3 years.

We will strengthen the assistance for people in difficulty. Yuci District will timely register and identify the people with employment difficulties, and adhere to the dynamic zero clearing of zero employment families. A certain amount of social insurance subsidies will be given to those who have difficulties in employment and continue to pay social insurance premiums as flexible employees. The period of enjoying social security subsidies can be extended to retirement for those who have difficulty in finding employment less than 5 years from the statutory retirement age, and the rest of them can not exceed 3 years at most. Develop public welfare for those who are still unable to find employment through the market nature Jobs, to ensure employment. For low-income families, poor disabled families put on record College graduates, disabilities and access of poverty-stricken families and poverty-stricken people country University graduates with student loans will be given 1000 yuan per person nature Job hunting and entrepreneurship subsidies.

Stabilize the employment scale of farmers. Yuci District puts farmers' employment in a more prominent position. By increasing policy support, innovating training methods, building labor brands, broadening labor channels, and striving to provide more jobs for rural labor, Yuci District strives to achieve a total employment scale of 62800 farmers in 2022. Among them, 40000 people were employed and started businesses in rural areas, 17100 people were transferred to employment within the province, and 5700 people were exported to employment between provinces. Encourage operation nature Human resources service institutions and other market entities provide employment services for rural workers. If they successfully provide employment services for workers and sign labor contracts with a term of more than half a year, they will be given employment introduction subsidies of no more than 300 yuan, 500 yuan and 800 yuan per person.

Focus on optimizing services to promote employment

Optimize employment services to promote employment. Yuci District has increased its efforts in public service employment, and held special activities for public employment services, such as online recruitment, on-site recruitment, and live broadcasting, epidemic situation After stabilization, carry out large-scale on-site recruitment activities. Pay close attention to key groups such as college graduates, unemployed people, people with difficulty in finding employment, "4050" people, zero employment families, especially ex servicemen, to implement Employment subsidy policy.

Continuously carry out skill training to improve employment quality. Yuci District vigorously carries out order based and project based training aimed at employment, with a maximum subsidy of 4000 yuan per person. Enterprises that organize employees to participate in pre job training, safety skills training and professional training for job transfer will be given a subsidy of 300 yuan per person. To receive epidemic situation For small, medium-sized and micro enterprises that seriously affect their normal production and operation temporarily, they will be paid at the rate of 500 yuan per insured employee nature Subsidy for stay training. For those receiving unemployment insurance benefits who have obtained vocational qualification certificates or vocational skill grade certificates, they will be given 1000 to 2000 yuan of vocational skill promotion subsidies according to the grade.

Deeply carry out school enterprise integration. Yuci District supports vocational colleges to carry out grade evaluation and encourages college graduates to obtain vocational qualification certificates or skill grade certificates to increase skills and promote employment. Subsidy will be given to enterprises, colleges and evaluation institutions for vocational skill level certificates, and the application will be based on the standard of 400 yuan for vocational qualification or vocational skill level primary worker certificate (special operation certificate, special equipment operator certificate for the first time), 600 yuan for intermediate worker certificate for the first time, and 800 yuan for senior worker certificate.

We will earnestly safeguard the rights and interests of workers. Yuci District will implement the minimum wage standard of 1880 yuan on October 1, 2021, and urge all units to to implement Standardize the employment of enterprises, guide enterprises to conclude written labor contracts with workers according to law, and urge enterprises to pay all social insurance for workers in full and on time. Standardize the layoff behavior of enterprises, and guide them to formulate and implement employee resettlement plans in accordance with laws and regulations. Crack down on violations of workers' rights and interests Violation Behavior. We will strengthen labor and social security supervision, carry out routine inspections and special inspections, and severely crack down on and punish violations of the legitimate rights and interests of workers.

key word: Yuci District, Jinzhong Employment priority policy Enterprise service gift package Optimize business environment

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