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Yan's Cultural Union Heartland Cultural Handicap Aid Project Launched, Blowing the Horn of Cultural Industry Chain Layout Handicap Aid

Recently, the launch conference of Yan's cultural industry chain and heartfelt cultural disability assistance project was held in Xuzhou, which sounded the clarion call for the cultural industry chain to layout public welfare undertakings for disability assistance.

It is understood that this activity is sponsored by Beijing Tianmixuan Cultural Communication Co., Ltd., Xuzhou Tianmixuan Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd., Xuzhou Xinyuan Volunteer Service Center, co organized by 108 Baojun Academies, 324 Wedding Custom Culture Experience Areas, Wuhan Yongshengda Luggage Clothing Co., Ltd., Xiong Xie Yurui Business Service Center in Dongxihu District, Wuhan Supported by Wuhan Meidu Youpin Industrial Development Co., Ltd. Relevant departments of Xuzhou were invited Leaders, enterprises and institutions, social organizations, chamber of commerce organizations, entrepreneurs' representatives, cultural masters, experts, scholars and media Reporters and others attended together for In the new era, the cause of cultural assistance for the disabled actively offers advice and suggestions.

As we all know, the cause of the disabled is a glorious cause that needs the joint efforts of the whole society. To let the disabled people live a happy and beautiful life is our party's wholehearted goal People serving Significantly, the launch of this activity aims to inherit and carry forward the fine tradition of the Chinese nation of helping the weak and helping the poor, and actively practice Core socialist values, create a strong atmosphere and a good environment for the whole society to understand, respect, care and help the disabled. The purpose is to gather all social forces, cultivate social organizations for helping the disabled, and develop public welfare for the disabled Charity, extensive voluntary disability services

At the beginning of the activity, Sun Wu Guirui, the representative of Yan's cultural heritage, introduced to the participants that through the cultural industry chain to layout cultural assistance for the disabled and build a socialized love alliance for the disabled, this activity will be taken as an opportunity to carry out regular skills training. By the end of this year, four cultural industry activities will be held to help the disabled. It is expected that more than 100 people will be trained to participate in the social disability cause in a down-to-earth manner, To further illuminate the Spiritual and cultural life. Leader of the sponsor, founder of Xuzhou Xinyuan Volunteer Service Center, 2008 Zhonghua Winner of Charity Award, National Advanced Individual of Enthusiastic Public Welfare, Jiangsu Province Mr. Zheng Fusheng, a star of charity, shared his experience of organizing disabled people to visit exhibitions, gardens, reading parties, movies and other social public welfare activities in the past 20 years. He also shared his efforts to raise money for the disabled in extreme poverty and support them to step on the warm road with the power of love.

In the second part of the activity, Professor Yan Baojun, the founder of Yan's culture, also introduced the cultural disability program from four aspects Master plan. everything Summarize the layout mode of Yan's complete and unique industrial chain of cultural system in the past 20 years, and interpret its top-level design - Baojun Academy Family Harmonious Culture Industrial Chain, Baojun Academy Marriage Culture Industrial Chain, Baojun Academy Cultural and Creative Products Industrial Chain and other nine industrial chains; Second, introduce the highlights of this cultural industry chain disability assistance activity. The activity will join hands with Xuzhou Xinyuan Volunteer Service Center to donate the monograph of "seven ways of integration" to help the disabled pass the school Learn the excellent traditional culture and learning of the Chinese nation Learn the harmonious family culture and establish the Self esteem, self-confidence, self-improvement and self-reliance Concept, so that they can master the skills and comprehensively improve the cultural literacy and comprehensive quality of the disabled; The third is to look forward to the system and concept of cultural disability assistance in seven dimensions; Yanshi culture will spread vegetarian health culture in hundreds of cities and thousands of stores, promote online broadcast of public welfare, and promote common To become rich and help people, we should carry out specific work of cultural assistance for the disabled from seven dimensions, and establish a multi form and multi business complementary New pattern of cultural disability assistance in the new era; Fourth, sharing typical cases of cultural disability assistance; Shared with the blind in Hainan Province Associate of Association With the help of Yanshi Culture, the chairman bought and learned Learning Braille translation software, sharing cases of family harmonious cultural achievements, and the vivid explanation of training Wang Liao Limin, the wedding custom experience area of Changzhou Baojun Academy, to become a qualified lecturer of family harmonious culture, let everyone feel that the cultural industry chain can help the disabled effectively Sex.

In a warm atmosphere, Yanshi Cultural Heritage Agency and Xuzhou Xinyuan Volunteer Service Center signed a cooperation agreement on cultural disability assistance, issued a certificate of disability assistance and a bronze medal to cultural disability assistance units, commended the collectives who have made contributions to the cause of cultural disability assistance, read a declaration on cultural disability assistance, and advocated and spread love and respect for disabled people, The song "My Motherland and I", sung by the blind singer Mr. Yang Hongjie, resounded the inspirational life of the disabled with a loud voice; The poetry recitation performed by Mr. Liu Xiuyun, the intangible cultural heritage paper-cut skills displayed by Mr. Xie Hong, and the Erhu Performance of disabled girls fully demonstrated their growing experience and indomitable Spiritual style, as well as the joy and expectation for the launching ceremony of cultural assistance for the disabled.

Next, the 108 Baojun Academies and 324 wedding custom experience areas of Yanshi will cooperate with Xuzhou Xinyuan Volunteer Service Center to continue to deepen implement to implement center The policies proposed to help the disabled help the disabled to promote the all-round development and practice of the cause of the disabled Core socialist values, providing broad employment for the disabled flat Taiwan and space for development, in order to promote humanism The spirit of making contributions to the best of our ability!

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