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Jiawo Food was invited to attend the 8th "Chile Week" and the annual meeting of the China Chile Entrepreneurs Committee

On October 16, 2023“ area On the eve of the "One Way" International Cooperation Summit Forum held in Beijing, the opening ceremony of the high-profile 8th Chile Week was held in Beijing. Then, Chinese Chilean entrepreneurs The 10th annual meeting of the committee was successfully held. This annual meeting is held in“ area All the way The vision of cooperation between Chinese and Chilean enterprises is the theme, focusing on the policy environment, strategic direction and key path of economic and trade cooperation between China and Chile; Discuss the trade Cooperation opportunities and challenges in investment and other fields. Chen Shaopeng, Chairman of Jiawo Group and Jiawo Food, was invited to attend the opening ceremony Chinese Chilean entrepreneurs Round table discussion at the annual meeting of the Commission.

Republic of Chile President Gavrel Boric delivers a keynote speech

Opening ceremony, Republic of Chile President Gavrel Boric delivered a keynote speech, Guo Tingting, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Commerce of China China International Investment Promotion Association President Ma Xiuhong, Chilean Industry Promotion Association President Rosario Navarro, CIIC entrepreneur Chinese side of the committee Chairman China Minmetals Corporation General Manager Guo Wenqing, Zhongzhi Entrepreneur The wisdom of the committee The chairman and former chairman of the Chilean Securities Bank, Francisco Silva, delivered speeches respectively.

During the round table discussion China International Executive Deputy of Investment Promotion Association Under the auspices of President Liu Zuozhang, representatives and guests of China Chile economic and trade cooperation enterprises on climate change and trade in agriculture, energy, mining and other industries of China and Chile Dialogue and exchange were held on issues such as the impact of investment cooperation and business and technical cooperation opportunities of enterprises from China and Chile in the field of sustainable development.

Chen Shaopeng, Chairman of Jiawo Group and Jiawo Food, made a round table discussion speech

At the round table discussion, Chairman Chen Shaopeng actively shared Jiawo's advanced ideas and practical experience in fruit planting, aquaculture, sustainable development, green production, and digital and intelligent planting and breeding, bringing new inspiration to the development of relevant industries in China and Chile.

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As a representative enterprise of China Chile economic and trade cooperation, Jiawo has actively played a leading role in bilateral economic and trade cooperation and exchange. Its advanced technology and sustainable development concept in the field of agricultural science and technology have attracted much attention, providing valuable experience for the agricultural cooperation between China and Chile, and laying a solid foundation for strengthening the cooperation and exchange between China and Chile in the agricultural field.

Chile Week started in 2015 Held in China In recent years, Chile The largest and most popular event in China One of the important promotion activities has become an important part of deepening the friendship between China and Chile and promoting economic and trade exchanges important flat Sets. This year, Chilean weekly meetings were held in Shenzhen, Chengdu, Beijing and Shanghai, where product exhibitions Activities such as investment seminars and visits Nearly 40 games.

By participating in this grand event, Jiawo Food will further strengthen cooperation with Chilean enterprises, accelerate the pace of internationalization, constantly improve the competitiveness and influence of enterprises, and contribute more to the development of global fisheries China's power. Jiawo Food, as the Important participants will also continue to play their own advantages and contribute more to promoting friendly cooperation between China and Chile.

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