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Dongguan Undergraduate Ability Improvement Training Subsidy Application Guide (Condition+Material+Process)

Dongguan Undergraduate Ability Improvement Training Subsidy Application Guide ("Dongguan Ability Improvement" Plan)

1、 Subsidy conditions:

1. At the time of application, the employee has signed a labor contract with the city's employer for more than one year, and has worked in the company for six consecutive months and is still working in the company (subject to the record of pension insurance premiums paid in the company);

(Data picture)

2. Continuous declaration and payment of individual income tax on wages and salaries in our city for 6 months;

3. After January 1, 2022 (including the same day), during the working period in our city (subject to the pension insurance premium paid by our city's employers), obtain a bachelor's degree (or bachelor's degree), or a junior professional title (or professional qualification of professional technicians), or a national vocational qualification certificate level II/technician (or vocational skill level certificate level II/technician).

2、 Subsidy standard:

3、 Subsidy period:

Bachelor degree (or bachelor's degree), or junior professional title (or professional qualification of professional technicians), or national vocational qualification certificate level II/technician (or vocational skill level certificate level II/technician) must be obtained after January 1, 2022 (including the date), the policy implementation period is valid until December 31, 2024, and the subsidy application period must be submitted before December 31, 2025 (including the date).

4、 Materials to be submitted:

1. Application form (sealed by the employer);

2. Identity certificate of the applicant;

3. Condition category certificate (submit one of the qualified categories):

(1) Screenshots of full-time general higher education bachelor's degree, degree certificate (or overseas bachelor's degree), corresponding certification or online inspection;

(2) Screenshot of junior professional title certificate and online inspection;

(3) National vocational qualification certificate level II/technician (or vocational skill level certificate level II/technician) certificate, online inspection screenshot;

4. The tax payment record certificate provided by the tax department for the applicant's continuous declaration and payment of individual income tax on wages in Dongguan for 6 months;

5. Sign labor contracts with enterprises in Dongguan for more than one year;

6. Our bank card account;

7. Other supporting materials.

5、 Application procedure:

The Human Resources and Social Security Bureau issues the declaration announcement → individual online declaration → town street (park) review → municipal bureau and relevant departments review and verify → release and allocation of funds.

6、 Handling process

1. Application: Qualified applicants shall fill in the application form, sign and affix the official seal after confirmation by the person in charge of the unit, prepare relevant materials, and log on to the Guangdong Government Affairs Service Network( https://www.gdzwfw.gov.cn/ )Submit the application.

2. Acceptance:

(1) After qualified applicants submit their application materials online, their town/street (park) human resources and social security bureaus will conduct a preliminary examination on the integrity and authenticity of the application materials.

(2) Municipal level review and verification information The Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and the Municipal Taxation Bureau shall verify the declaration information in accordance with relevant regulations. If the applicant needs to supplement relevant certificates, the applicant shall supplement within the specified time after receiving the notice, otherwise it will be deemed invalid.

3. Review: The Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau will consult with the relevant departments on the list of talents to be rewarded, and then work together with the relevant departments to study and draw up the reward scheme, which will be submitted to the municipal government for approval.

4. Decision: After the reward party has been approved by the municipal government, the municipal human resources and social security bureau together with the municipal finance bureau will distribute the municipal funds to the financial sub bureaus of each town/street (park), and the human resources and social security sub bureaus of each town/street (park) will handle the fund allocation together with the financial sub bureaus according to the relevant regulations.

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