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Huashi Pharmaceuticals and Fujian Light Textile signed a cooperative investment of 14 billion yuan to jointly promote the development of Fujian's bio pharmaceutical industry

From September 8 to 11, the 22nd China International Fair for Investment and Trade (CIFIT) was held in Xiamen. As one of the important forums of the 22nd China International Fair for Investment and Trade, the "Special Forum on Steady Growth, Expanding Domestic Demand and Investment and Financing Innovation" was held on the opening day of the Fair.

Ning Jizhe, deputy director of the Economic Committee of the CPPCC National Committee, attended the forum and delivered a keynote speech. Guo Ningning, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee and executive vice governor of Fujian Province, attended and delivered a speech. Zhang Zhiyong, former member of the Party Leadership Group and deputy director of the State Administration of Taxation, Zhang Tong, former member of the Party Leadership Group of the National Audit Office and director of the Central Economic Responsibility Audit Office, Liu Shunda, former chairman of the Supervisory Board of the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council and chairman of the China Electric Power Equipment Management Association, Li Huiyue, member of the Standing Committee of the Xiamen Municipal Party Committee and executive vice mayor of Fujian, attended the forum.

Focusing on the theme of "financial innovation serving the real economy", the forum focused on hot areas such as combined tax and fee support policies, financial innovation tools, digital economy globalization, financial assistance in infrastructure construction and technology investment, and made suggestions for stable growth, expanding domestic demand, and investment and financing innovation.


Forum site

During the forum, Fujian Light Textile (Holding) Co., Ltd., Hainan Huashi Pharmaceutical Holding Group Co., Ltd. and Zhongteng Co., Ltd. signed the "Framework Agreement on Cooperation and Development of the International Digestive System Disease Medical Innovation Park (Xiamen)". The three parties plan to invest 14 billion yuan to build a digestive system disease medical innovation park in Huli District, Xiamen City, Jointly promote the high-quality development of Fujian's bio pharmaceutical industry. It is reported that under the framework of tripartite cooperation, it is estimated that 11 billion yuan will be invested in pharmaceutical research and development in 2-5 years, which will be used for the research and development of innovative generic drugs, the development of traditional Chinese medicine varieties, and the development of special medical food varieties. At the signing site, Dai Xinmin, chairman of Hainan Huashi Pharmaceutical Holding Group Co., Ltd., introduced that the project was led and controlled by Fujian Light Textile (Holding) Co., Ltd., and Hainan Huashi Pharmaceutical Holding Group Co., Ltd. had a small proportion of shares. The implementation of this project not only brings new growth points for the coordinated development of Huashi Pharmaceutical business, but also brings new opportunities for Huashi Pharmaceutical, which is located in the golden track of medicine. Huashi Pharmaceuticals will start from the enterprise advantage of "specialization, excellence and novelty", and is committed to bringing international leading research and development achievements, technologies and talents to Fujian, contributing to the high-quality development of the pharmaceutical industry in hometown Fujian, and contributing to the research needs of China's digestive system, including the development of psychotropic and neurological drugs, digestive system drugs, and special medical food.

 The 22nd session on September 8, 2022=

Signing site

The participants said that the forum would help all parties to expand diversified financing channels around financial innovation tools, promote exchanges and cooperation, pool advantageous resources, and jointly promote stable growth and expand domestic demand.

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