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Officially released the new products of the online restaurant series, Smart Shopkeeper created a new dining experience of "one code is service"

Since the epidemic, the catering industry has experienced an unprecedented test: stores continue to close, while capital continues to pour in. The market uncertainty further increases the competitiveness of the industry.

On August 26, the Smart Shopkeeper Brand Upgrade and Partner Conference was concluded in Shenzhen, where more than 100 industry colleagues gathered to discuss the future development trend of digital catering. At the meeting, Smart Shopkeeper launched a new product matrix, "Code Restaurant", to help merchants achieve one-stop smart store management, and on this basis, connect more digital operation services to improve catering efficiency and enhance the competitiveness of industry partners and merchants.

Picture: Smart Shopkeeper Meeting Site

Form a 10+product solution code, and the restaurant will help store one-stop intelligent management

The repeated epidemic has created more business problems: high cost of rent and manpower, low efficiency of meal settlement, low passenger flow and fierce competition. In order to change this situation, digital means have been more deeply applied in business.

After several years of development, the traditional catering industry has undergone earth shaking changes. "Global marketing is in the ascendant, and digital intelligence is helping to reduce costs and increase efficiency. These two trends are particularly obvious," said Xu Gang, product director of Smart Shopkeeper.

Among them, digital intelligence refers to the organic integration of POS, CRM and supply chain to achieve all-round digital intelligence from code scanning and ordering to IoT intelligent devices, KDS kitchen display system and kitchen patrol supervision. Global marketing refers to the transformation of online new public and private traffic precipitation and offline new traffic into operational assets, so as to help merchants find new traffic growth points.

"These two trends are actually the deepening of store management and the rise of online operation services," Xu Gangdao said.

At this meeting, shopkeeper Zhi launched the series products of "Code Restaurant" in response to these two trends.

Figure: Series of products of Mashang Restaurant

In terms of store management, the cashier products before Smart Shopkeeper were more targeted at small and micro businesses. This year's launch of the Code Restaurant series covers more stores of different formats and sizes. As the overall solution for store operation, "Code Restaurant" has formed a complete set of product matrix including standard version, popular version and weighing version, covering 10+solutions for dinner, fast food, hot pot, tea, fresh food, cooked food, food city, etc.

Compared with the previous cash register system on the market, the code restaurant is more "light". It abandons the shackles of hardware and focuses its services on software to a greater extent. Through a small two-dimensional code, it can get through the functions of point to point cash register, front office and back kitchen management, store operation, report center, member marketing, inventory management, etc., and realize "one code instant service", Help merchants to conduct more in-depth one-stop store management.

The product exhibition area attracts onlookers, and the restaurant connects with the open platform operation service of the smart shopkeeper

At the scene, the shopkeeper of Wisdom created a product exhibition area focusing on brand color, causing guests to stand around.

"After many years of cooperation with shopkeeper Zhi, we heard about new products and came here specially to have a look." Guests at the meeting said, "Overall, shopkeeper Zhi is very convenient, with complete functions and convenient operation, and basically everyone can get started. Recently, we also launched the aggregate distribution service of shopkeeper Zhi, and the delivery efficiency of the delivery list has improved a lot."

Figure: Smart Shopkeeper Product Exhibition Area

As the main product, in addition to one-stop store management, the Code Restaurant is more in line with the development trend of the catering industry, becoming more "flexible" and able to achieve more catering operation service docking, such as the "aggregate distribution" mentioned by the participants.

At present, in addition to the distribution services of Meituan and Lulema, the smart shopkeepers also connect with Dada, Hummingbird, Shunfeng and other manufacturers to achieve multi-channel integrated smart distribution. Merchants can integrate delivery orders and transportation capacity directly in the background of the Smart Shopkeeper, establish flexible transportation capacity scheduling rules, save delivery costs and improve the circulation efficiency of delivery orders.

Figure: Smart Shopkeeper's Open Platform Objectives

In the future, Smart Shopkeeper will build a broader open platform, further improve the operation service capability, and achieve the integration of platform capabilities such as WeChat Alipay, Meituan Youlemai, and Fast Hands. That is to say, when catering merchants need to use the relevant services of these platforms, they no longer need to carry out piecemeal operations on a platform by platform basis, but directly complete all service docking in one click at the background of the Smart Shopkeeper.

For example, on the basis of aggregated distribution, personalized decoration of online stores is realized, users are gathered into their own private domain traffic pool, and short video marketing is used to help merchants create popular packages.

What Smart Shopkeepers bring to merchants is not only the improvement of efficiency, but also the aggregation of platform capabilities. They provide personalized solutions for different types of merchants, help them further improve their operational capabilities in store management, realize flow savings, build their own brands, and ultimately promote the decline of overall costs and increase of turnover.

Figure: Smart Shopkeeper Product Exhibition Area

It is understood that the Smart Shopkeeper, founded in 2015, has always been committed to providing merchants with soft and hard integrated store operation SaaS solutions to help them achieve digital transformation and upgrading. Today, Smart Shopkeeper has obtained direct or indirect investment and industrial empowerment from listed companies and star capital such as Card Transfer Technology, IVP Venture Capital, RYK (Ruipeng Capital), Shunfeng Tongcheng, and more than 500000 merchants have been served globally. In the future, Smart Shopkeeper will take the cashier SaaS as the anchor point, constantly improve the overall solution, and bring digitalization into offline catering and retail industries.

Disclaimer: There are risks in the market, so you should be careful! This article is for reference only, not for sale basis.

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