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Focusing on young people's scientific growth, Hengligao launched a new type of functional food

According to the data published by the authoritative medical journal The Lancet, from 1985 to 2019, the average height of 17 year olds in China has increased by 8 cm in the past 35 years, reaching 175.7 cm. The achievement of this achievement, on the one hand, shows that contemporary teenagers can enjoy more nutrients than the previous generation, on the other hand, it also reminds parents and children that height competition may play an important role in teenagers' life.

Research shows that the age of 9 to 18 is the most critical period for the growth of young people's height. Nutrition, sleep and hormones are indispensable. The absence of any condition will cause the growth and development of children and adolescents to slow down. In order to enable teenagers to have a straight and healthy posture, Heng Ligao was born, and put forward his own height management plan from four aspects: promoting pituitary secretion of growth hormone, improving sleep quality, supplementing Changgao nutrients, and improving physique.

As a children's height management brand under Evergrande Excellence, Evergrande focuses on γ - aminobutyric acid protein solid drinks, γ - aminobutyric acid nutrient plant thick pulp and other products. Gamma aminobutyric acid, as the most important effective ingredient in Hengligo's main products, is composed of fructooligosaccharides, strawberry powder, xylitol, γ - aminobutyric acid, yam, poria cocos, hydrolyzed yolk powder, jujube seed extract, whey protein powder, L-lysine, zinc citrate, calcium citrate, vitamin A, vitamin D, and vitamin B6.


As γ - aminobutyric acid is a natural amino acid composed of non protein, it can participate in a variety of neurophysiological activities in the organism, and has physiological functions such as relieving pressure, improving sleep, and promoting pituitary to secrete growth hormone. Through the role of γ - aminobutyric acid as a neurotransmitter in the central spirit, Hengligo has realized the regulation of growth hormone secretion, Thus promoting the growth of adolescent height.

In addition, Hengligao's products can also improve the sleep quality of teenagers. Research shows that the peak period of growth hormone secretion in children's pituitary gland is from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. γ - aminobutyric acid improves the metabolic speed of brain cells by effectively regulating the brain nervous system, thus improving the sleep quality of children and helping them grow.


As a new functional food conforming to the national food and drug supervision and administration, Hengligao is rich in various nutrients besides γ - aminobutyric acid. Protein, calcium, zinc, vitamin AD and other nutrients can contribute to the development of children's bones and make their height grow healthier. In addition, the addition of Chinese herbal medicines such as yam and poria cocos can improve the children's spleen and stomach function, enhance appetite, promote digestion and absorption, and improve the children's physique from the source.


Hengligao series products are suitable for children aged 3 to 18 who have poor spleen and stomach function, poor sleep quality, are dissatisfied with their height and need height management. Hengligao believes that height management affects the health and happiness of children throughout their lives, so good products should focus not only on the present, but also on the future. There may be many ways to grow taller, but health is the ultimate goal. On the way of providing quality products for young people, Hengligao will always remember the purpose of scientific excellence, work with parents and society to help young people move towards a bright future.

Disclaimer: There are risks in the market, so you should be careful! This article is for reference only, not for sale basis.

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