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Chuangmin Technology Group of 2022 Smart Expo brings these "warm technologies"!

On August 22, the high-profile 2022 China International Smart Industry Expo (hereinafter referred to as the 2022 Smart Expo) officially opened.

At the 2022 Smart Expo, Chongqing Chuangmin Technology Group will comprehensively display the latest products and landing applications of the integration of metauniverse, AI sign measurement, blockchain technology and intelligent hardware in the fields of smart city, smart education, intelligent office, etc. in the Yuzhong District N1-002 pavilion of Yuelai International Expo Center.

Application of Metacosmic AI Plastic System

"How to match clothes today? What kind of hair do you wear? What's your temperature? ·········" In the interactive exhibition area of Chuangmin Technology Group, the Meta Universe AI plastic system uses 3D reconstruction AI technology to quickly transform the real character image into a virtual character image (the reduction size error is less than 3%), so as to realize the rapid modeling of the Meta Universe and display the 3D model of the human body of the experiencer on the large screen. In addition to accurately calculating the step by step slimming effect of the suitable characters, the system also puts on professional clothes for the virtual characters by default. Experients can experience dressing changes through different gestures, 3D portrait models walk on the runway to display, and view the dressing effect in an all-round way.

According to the staff of Chuangmin exhibition area, the application of the Meta Universe AI plastic system can record the 3D human body data (including body, weight, chest circumference, shoulder width, waist circumference, upper body length, lower body length, joint length, back width, arm length, etc.) of the experimenter to the students corresponding to the electronic student card, and record the physical condition, growth and change of the children at each stage, making them healthier Scientific management of children's physique.

It is reported that the Metacosmic AI plastic system is not only fun and useful, but also widely used. In the campus, during the epidemic, the temperature can be measured once through the electronic student card, and the health big data can be synchronized with the campus, parents, and the education committee (data includes: name, class, temperature measurement time, and temperature). Press the SOS button of the student card in an emergency, the data will show a red signal pop-up window to the top of the school's electronic display screen, and will be automatically uploaded to the student's parent terminal (data includes: name, class, time, current location of the student card).

Campus data security cloud platform

Children can communicate at any time without bringing mobile phones to school? In the Chuangmin exhibition area, Chuangmin Technology Group, taking the Tianxiang blockchain electronic student card as the carrier, has constructed a set of comprehensive campus security operation data cloud platform that integrates students' home school communication, security positioning, electronic fence, school attendance and smart classroom applications.

According to the staff of Chuangmin Exhibition Area, the campus data security cloud takes blockchain and big data as the core, and displays data interactively through the data platform, electronic student card, RFID reader: auxiliary epidemic prevention, SOS security early warning, electronic fence security alarm, RFID insensitive attendance and other data.

It is reported that the Tianxiang blockchain electronic student card, as the carrier of the campus data security cloud platform, is the integrated application of blockchain technology and intelligent hardware. The Tianxiang blockchain electronic student ID card can also be set with a family number. The data security of the blockchain will directly intercept marketing harassment calls to meet children's basic network needs. The screen made of special materials will not damage their eyesight. At the same time, it will automatically intercept bad web pages and push, purifying the children's network environment. On this basis, parents can also intelligently control children's consumption every time, and cultivate correct and benign consumption concepts from childhood.

According to the staff of Chuangmin Exhibition Area, more than 10 million students across the country are using electronic student cards. The Tianxiang blockchain electronic student cards are currently used in schools in Qianjiang, Kaizhou, Yuzhong District, etc. The feedback from teachers, parents and students is good.

The relevant person in charge of Chuangmin Technology Group said that as the most influential event in the field of intelligent industry in China, Chuangmin Technology Group has brought "warm technologies" such as the application of meta universe AI plastic system and campus data security cloud platform. Together with the theme of this Smart Expo: "Intelligence: empowering the economy and brightening life!"

Disclaimer: There are risks in the market, so you should be careful! This article is for reference only, not for sale basis.

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