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Stepping to a new level, China's total investment in research and experimental development will exceed 3 trillion yuan in 2022

This morning (September 18), the National Bureau of Statistics, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Finance jointly released the Statistical Bulletin of National Science and Technology Expenditure in 2022. According to the data of the Bulletin, in 2022, China's total investment in research and experimental development will exceed 3 trillion yuan, reaching 3078.29 billion yuan, reaching a new level, an increase of 10.1% over the previous year, continuing the momentum of rapid growth. At the same time, China's research and experimental development funds increased from 1 trillion yuan to 2 trillion yuan in eight years, and from 2 trillion yuan to 3 trillion yuan in four years, fully reflecting the effectiveness of China's innovation driven development strategy in recent years.

key word: Test development bulletin Investment New steps total

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