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Ma Fengwo predicted that the geothermal degree of long-term destinations at home and abroad will soar, and the proportion of family parent-child customers will exceed 50%

This year's National Day Golden Week coincides with the Mid Autumn Festival, and the reunion festival makes family outings the choice of most tourists. According to the big data of Mafengwo, family parent-child customers account for 50.3% of the total number of people traveling on the National Day, and self driving has become the most popular travel mode for long-term travel in China. Small group destinations that can both avoid crowds and enjoy delicious food are new goals for young people during the National Day holiday. The popularity of "Small group destinations for the National Day holiday" has risen by 250% month on month in the past week. "Where are there fewer people on the National Day", "Recommended destinations on the National Day" and "Small food cities" are high-frequency consultation questions in the Hornet Nest Polaris Adventure Community.

Long distance self driving increased by more than 100%

The 8-day "Super Golden Week", together with the super long holiday strategy of asking for 14 days off, has led to a significant increase in the geothermal intensity of the long-term destination. The "high" air tickets and the "hard to grab" high-speed rail on holidays have made comfortable and flexible self driving a choice for more and more tourists. The golden autumn October with beautiful scenery and pleasant climate is the best time to take a long-distance self driving trip. The average increase of "self driving" popularity across China is more than 100%.

According to the big data of Mafengwo, the classic self driving routes in Gannan, West Sichuan, Xinjiang and other places with beautiful natural scenery are still the first choice for self driving tourists during the National Day holiday. The unique experience of walking through the unique karst landform and enjoying the beautiful scenery on the border has made the popularity of "Guangxi Border Highway Self driving" rise by 128%, and made it into the top ten of "the list of popular long-distance self driving routes in China during the National Day of 2023".

Food helps minority destinations stand out

In order to avoid the rush of people during the National Day holiday, many young people turn their eyes to low-key and distinctive small cities. Their first goal in choosing a destination is to enjoy a leisurely holiday while enjoying a good meal. More than half of the cities in Mafengwo's list of "Domestic Popular Destinations for the National Day Holiday in 2023" stand out by food.

Quanzhou, the top "World Heritage", has a profound cultural heritage, rich playing experience, and authentic ancient taste of southern Fujian, which perfectly meets all the needs of young people. Taizhou, where seafood was at that time, Leshan, which was so delicious that the local people in Sichuan could not stop eating, and Liuzhou, the "paradise of snail fans", were included in the "must eat" list of young people. Taizhou's heat rose by 120% in the past week.

"Just go" drives the attention of foreign destinations to soar

The first longest holiday after the resumption of outbound travel, young people who are willing to explore hope to unlock more distant countries. In addition to Italy, New Zealand, Turkey and other traditional popular long-term outbound destinations, the popularity of Egypt, Tanzania, Iceland and other small countries has soared. The visa free Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, as well as Georgia, which has just announced visa free, have attracted many people's attention.

The release of the visa free policy has also made many tourists who have not made plans for the National Day holiday take Thailand into consideration. Small islands with few people and beautiful scenery, which can lie flat and relax, are the first choice for family vacations and "migrant workers" to relax. The popularity of Sumei Island has increased by 116%, followed by Kami and Shamei Islands.

Tourists who have not booked holiday travel can find that the season is the most suitable for travel inspiration and the freshest play experience in Ma Fengwo's "Eleven Bees Play Season". You can also get a long holiday travel gold worth 1010 yuan, which can easily handle domestic and overseas travel during the Golden Week at a premium price.

key word: Minority Self driving Wasp nest destination

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