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Gong Xiaobin: Youth training needs a long-term plan. It doesn't mean that a different European coach will play European basketball

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On September 8, the live broadcast bar reported that Zhou Peng, a media person, recently interviewed former national players Fan Bin and Gong Xiaobin about youth training.

When asked whether the gap between China's basketball and Europe continues to widen, Gong Xiaobin said: "I think it is still a matter of basketball philosophy. It does not mean that we now have a European coach for our national team, which will soon become European style. Maybe he runs European style, but it can't be implemented. In the end, we still need to teach these players how to play basketball from an early age."

Fan Bin added: "It is still necessary to return to the youth training issue. The Iranian national team, including the Japanese women's basketball team, have a 10-year plan. What level should they reach in ten years and what level should they reach in five years. So I think the ultimate systematization of basketball is determined to instill the concept of basketball in them in their youth. It was decided that these people would become the outstanding golden generation ten years later. Our youth training system should be clear about what structure to build, and then look at the gap between these people and Europe ten years later, or whether they can win. "

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