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How long will the house purchase commission be returned to Global Express

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Generally speaking, the commission rebate time of intermediary companies is based on the cycle agreed in the contract, which is generally about one month after the transaction ends. But the specific return time depends on the agreement of the housing sales contract and the actual operation time of the intermediary company. It should be noted that in the housing transaction, the commission rebate of the intermediary company is generally paid by the house buyer, so before signing the contract with the intermediary company, it is necessary to carefully check the relevant terms and expenses.

In addition, in actual operation, the time of commission return of intermediary companies will also be affected by both sides of the transaction. If the housing purchase and sale procedures are completed quickly, the time for intermediary companies to return commissions will also be shortened. If there are some disputes or problems in the transaction process, the time for the intermediary company to return the commission will also be extended accordingly. If you have questions about the specific commission return time of the intermediary company, you can communicate with the intermediary company to understand the specific operation process and time regulations. At the same time, before signing relevant contracts, you must carefully check the terms and expenses to avoid unnecessary disputes and losses.

How to calculate the house purchase commission

There is no uniform regulation on the commission for house purchase. According to the industry rules, the commission is generally 1% - 3% of the transaction price. So when choosing an intermediary company, the seller can first consult the intermediary company's commission collection ratio, and then make a specific decision. At the same time, once the intermediary company is determined, the intermediary company will agree on the intermediary fee in writing, and then implement it according to the contract; At the same time, it can also be proposed that the intermediary fees must be paid after the transaction is completed and the housing fund is obtained, so as to protect their own rights and interests.

There are also such calculation methods: 2% will be charged if the real estate transaction amount is less than 100000 yuan (including 100000 yuan); If the amount exceeds 100000 to 1 million yuan (including 1 million yuan), 1% will be charged; 0.5% will be charged if the amount exceeds 1 million yuan.

What are the advantages of buying a house from an intermediary

1. Find an intermediary to buy a new house. It is a channel customer and enjoys the group purchase price

It is believed that many people will have such a question that it is cheaper to find an intermediary to buy a new house than a sales office? First of all, make it clear that the intermediary will show you the new house. The commission for the transaction is given by the developer, not taken directly from the customer. Secondly, the intermediary helps the developer sell the house. In order to attract more customers, the intermediary will ask the developer to give a preferential amount. Intermediary is equivalent to a channel. The channel is basically about volume. Of course, this customer volume is also the requirement of developers for intermediaries. Therefore, if you look for an intermediary to buy a new house, it is equivalent to a channel customer enjoying the group purchase price.

2. Find an intermediary to buy a new house, which is more professional and comprehensive

Generally, if you want to buy a house in this area, whether it is a new house or a second-hand house, the intermediary knows about it. Generally, an intermediary in a region will know about each property, so as to better match the housing supply for customers. Agents who act as intermediaries are in contact with both new and second-hand houses, including the understanding of the whole property market. The sales team of the developer generally follows the project and only knows about one property. Therefore, find an intermediary to buy a new house. The service is more professional and the housing supply is more comprehensive.

3. Find an intermediary to buy a new house and provide better service

When looking for an intermediary to buy a new house, the intermediary generally provides full service to channel customers. The intermediary will provide free car pickup and delivery, and will do the mortgage process, tracking and intermediary work in the later stage. If you come from other places to buy a house, you should go through the intermediary channel. Generally, the intermediary can reimburse the travel expenses. If you go directly to the sales office, for one thing, you can't guarantee that you have a preferential price. Second, all the expenses were paid by the customer. So finding an intermediary to buy a house can enjoy better services.

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