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Current fast broadcast: application of MCx8316x in sweeping robot

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With the continuous development of the home appliance market, more intelligent and automated appliances have entered people's lives, especially sweeping robots. In the sweeping robot system, there are two kinds of motor drivers used at present, which are brushless and brushless. More and more customers tend to choose brushless DC motor (BLDC) due to the higher requirements for the service life and efficiency of the sweeping robot. MCx8316x device is a fully integrated brushless DC motor driver (including control algorithm, grid driver and FET). This application manual discusses how to use MCx devices in the cleaning motor, roller brush motor and mop motor of the sweeping robot system, and carries out market analysis.

Click to download MCx8316x Application in Sweeping Robot

key word: Brushless DC motor service life market of the housekeeping electrical equipment control algorithm market analysis

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