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Now let's see: one stop unlocking smart buildings! IBUILDING official website is newly launched

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With a digital perspective, iBUILDING is a digital platform for buildings. It deeply practices the strategy of "digital intelligence integration", creates diversified digital life experiences for people around the digital ecology of the whole scene of buildings, and builds a sustainable building space with intelligence and low-carbon as the core.

With users as the starting point of thinking, we will continue to connect users and the digital future with a beautiful future. iBUILDING will continue to evolve in the direction of wisdom "i", carry out technology exploration, product precipitation and mode innovation, following the release of the chief experience officer and the B-end component library system. Today, the iBUILDING official website is newly launched https://ibuilding.midea.com/  

Digital solutions to provide "end-to-end" comprehensive services across the industry

IBUILDING provides digital solutions for the whole industry, facing smart parks, smart hospitals, smart factories, smart real estate, and smart transportation, providing strong technical support for cloud platforms, full cycle services, and software hardware integration advantages, building differentiated product forces for digital solutions through technology, business, data, algorithms, and knowledge, Through video demonstration and case introduction, we can intuitively understand the practice model of digital benchmarking cases.   https://ibuilding.midea.com/DigitalPages  

key word: Solution Sustainable Digital life Smart factory

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