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Samsung joined the $25 million financing plan of Korean veteran startup DoubleMe

DoubleMe, a metadata startup based in South Korea, raised $25 million in round A financing jointly led by Coentry Investment and NH Investment, and Samsung Electronics also participated in this financing. DoubleMe was founded by Albert Kim, Michael Kuczynski and Heeyoung Kim in 2015. At the very beginning, DoubleMe has launched a solution that can convert two-dimensional video into three-dimensional models.

In November 2020, the company launched TwinWorld, a metadata platform that allows users to create artificial reality (AR) experiences in any physical location.

In a statement, DoubleMe said that since the launch of TwinWorld, its revenue has reached 4.5 million dollars, and the platform currently has paying customers from 17 cities around the world.

The company plans to use new funds for product development, customer acquisition, marketing and employee recruitment. They also plan to launch the commercial version of TwinWorld later this year. The difference is that it can support AR devices such as Nreal's helmet.

Before this round of financing, DoubleMe has raised $1 million in seed funds and received $16 million in subsidies from the Korean and British governments.

Source: cnBeta COM

key word: Startups Million dollar Samsung Electronics This is a British Government

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