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Ecological control of the Yellow River in Shanxi: the big river flows into the sea

The mountain is dry and the water is thin. The stone towers in Shanxi are called "Strange Bay of the Yellow River". The seasons are different and the scenery is different. (Information picture) Gao Huying

Lvliang, China News Network, October 19, by wire, Title: Ecological governance of the Yellow River in Shanxi: the river flows into the sea

China News Network reporter Gao Xiaoqi, Gao Ruifeng

"Your brother is in your Geliang Liang, and I am in the ditch. You can move your hand to the brother and sister you like..." On the 19th, farmer photographer Gao Huying introduced the "Strange Bay of the Yellow River" to tourists, and when it came to the rise, he casually sang folk songs.

"From entering the bay to leaving the bay, the Yellow River flows around 8000 meters long. The widest part of the bay is 1700 meters, and the narrowest part is only 700 meters... The mountains are green and the scenery is beautiful." Gao Huying said that the seasons are different and the scenery is different. The "Yellow River Strange Bay" in autumn is colorful, and the river water is warm and the sunset glow is dazzling.

The Yellow River runs through northern China, going out of Bayan Har Mountain in the east, zigzagging, crossing the fortress, breaking the gate of Shanxi at Laoniuwan, opening a huge and deep canyon on the vast loess plateau, turning eastward to Fengling Ferry, surging about 965 kilometers in Shanxi, passing through 19 counties (cities).

The "Strange Bay of the Yellow River" is located in Xinguan Town, Shilou County, Shanxi Province. The rolling water of the Yellow River flows southward along the Shanxi Shaanxi Grand Canyon. The torrent turns sharply here, "painting" a nearly 360 degree round bay. The aesthetic elements of mountain and water, steep and gentle, curved and straight, high and low, round and lacking are blended here.

"The mountains, hills, hills, ditches, forks and forks grow trees and grass." Hao Xiulian, a villager who runs the snack bar and snack bar business in "Yellow River Qiwan", said that the ecology is getting better and better, the scenery is getting more and more beautiful, and there are more and more tourists.

Shilou County is located on the east bank of the middle reaches of the Yellow River, to the west of the Luliang Mountains. The loess is thick on its surface, eroded and scoured by water, and the terrain is broken. More than 5700 large and small gullies crisscross the territory, which used to be one of the regions with serious soil erosion and fragile ecological environment in Shanxi Province.

The "slope to terrace" project has transformed more than 100000 mu of sloping farmland into wide terraced fields, which can keep water, soil and fertilizer; More than 900000 mu of farmland has been converted to forests and barren hills have been reforested, and more than 40% of the county's population has enjoyed policy dividends such as reforestation and conversion of farmland to forests. The situation of serious soil erosion and fragile ecological environment in Shilou County has been reversed.

The mountains and rivers in Shilou County are dressed in green, and the clear water flows into the Yellow River, which is a vivid portrayal of Shanxi's protection of green water and mountains, and polishing the ecological background. In the thousands of ravines, "mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand" are promoted as a whole. Shanxi is greening, cultivating, supplementing and protecting the green, wiping away the "tears" of the Loess Plateau.

In Yonghe, Shanxi Province, the Yellow River zigzags in the ravines like a giant dragon, and the vicissitudes of the loess plateau's geomorphic features are all gathered here. (Information picture) Picture provided by the Publicity Department of Yonghe County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China

"Focusing on 'two mountains, seven rivers and one basin', Shanxi has built more than 28 million mu of forests in total. During the 14th Five Year Plan period, the minimum forest area will be increased by 8 million mu." Yuan Tongsuo, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and director of Shanxi Forestry and Grassland Bureau, said that the Yellow River basin, as an important point of forest and grass ecological construction, Shanxi promoted the land available for afforestation within the forest land of the Yellow River basin, Take the lead in realizing basic greening.

The business scope of Shanxi Luliang Mountain State owned Forest Administration covers Luliang City and Linfen City, and Shilou County, Xiangning County, Jixian County and other places along the Yellow River. "With the goal of improving the ecological environment of Lvliang Mountain, and in combination with the results of the land 'three adjustments' and afforestation space survey and assessment, 318400 mu of afforestation was completed in the first half of this year," said Chang Zhiyong, director of the bureau.

At present, Shanxi adheres to the systematic management of "mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand", promotes a total of 280 projects of the ten major construction projects of "a clear river flowing into the Yellow River", with an estimated total investment of 104.6 billion yuan, and comprehensively implements the ecological protection and high-quality development strategy of the Yellow River basin.

Luliang, located in the west of central Shanxi Province, is an important water conservation area and supply area in the Yellow River basin. Over the years, the local government has been facing the challenges of thousands of ravines and weak ecology, continued to carry out land greening actions, and implemented key projects such as consolidating the achievements of returning farmland to forests, improving forest quality precisely, and building national reserve forest bases. Green mountains, blue sky, and clear water have gradually become normal.

In recent years, the amount of sediment flowing into the Yellow River from Luliang along the four counties of the Yellow River has decreased by more than 7 million tons every year. In 2022, Lvliang will complete 3013800 mu of forest and grass construction tasks, 945000 mu of water and soil loss control area, 72.26% of forest and grass coverage, ranking first in the province; The proportion of excellent water quality in the national examination section of surface water reached 93.3%, ranking first among 339 cities nationwide.

At present, Lvliang has set up a special work shift of "one flood of clean water into the Yellow River", implemented six major projects and 41 subprojects, and focused on Ciyao River, Wenyu River, Sanchuan River, Qiushui River, Quchan River, Weifen River and other basins to carry out ecological management of the Yellow River basin.

The surging Yellow River runs down the Shanxi Shaanxi Grand Canyon, crosses the gorge and cracks the bank, and the dragon runs into the sea. "Cooperate to promote carbon reduction, pollution reduction, and green expansion, and fight the battle of blue sky, clear water, and clean land. The green mountains are always there, the green water is always flowing, and the air is always fresh, so that 'a stream of clean water flows into the Yellow River'," said Yan Lin, vice mayor of Lvliang City. (End)


key word: Shanxi Yonghe Sanchuan River Shanxi Forestry Huang Si How Stella Bay

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