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Guizhou Issued 27 Measures to Accelerate the Construction of Major Projects

near The General Office of the Provincial People's Government printed and distributed the "Guizhou Province further speeds up the construction of major projects to expand the effectiveness of investment Several measures, a total of 27 measures in 7 aspects, to speed up the industry investment Progress, increase industrial supporting infrastructure investment And expand new urbanization and ecological environmental protection investment And expand the area of people's livelihood investment We will strengthen the guarantee of factors and accelerate the commencement and construction of projects to reach the production capacity.

The document mentioned that we should accelerate the promotion of new industrialization, new comprehensive energy base, agricultural modernization and tourism industrialization investment Project construction. Efforts should be made to promote the construction of comprehensive transportation system projects. Increase the construction of supporting infrastructure for logistics and industrial parks. Accelerate the construction of "large water network" water conservancy. Accelerate the construction of new infrastructure such as 5G base stations and big data centers.

It is also clear in the document to accelerate the promotion of new urbanization investment Project construction and orderly promotion of real estate development investment Project construction. Actively take goods currency The transformation of shantytowns was promoted by means of resettlement and rewards, to implement The policy of reducing down payment proportion, innovatively using provident fund to discount interest on commercial loans, and lifting the restriction that two housing provident fund loans must be separated by 12 months or more to improve consumer confidence and purchasing power.

We need to increase people's livelihood investment Actively promote the construction of 100 public kindergartens, and spare no effort to accelerate the construction progress of four universities, including Guizhou Medical University, Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, Guizhou Light Industry Vocational and Technical College, and Guizhou Institute of Technology; Deeply implement the overall improvement of sanitary and healthy water flat "Seven special actions"; 20 standardized nursing homes were upgraded and 4000 nursing beds were added.

key word: Commencement of major projects Expand effective investment Industrial investment progress Industrial supporting infrastructure

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