NDRC: establish and improve the measurement and charging mechanism for non resident kitchen waste _ China Venture Capital Network
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National Development and Reform Commission: establish and improve the measurement and charging mechanism for non resident kitchen waste

July 7, according to country NDRC According to the official website, the Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Measurement and Charge of Non resident Kitchen Waste Treatment (hereinafter referred to as the "Guiding Opinions") has been published on near Issued on. The guidance proposes that the measurement charge will be implemented for kitchen waste generated in food processing, catering services, unit catering and other activities by public institutions such as party and government organs, restaurants and other related enterprises.

The guidance is clear. For kitchen waste (i.e. non resident kitchen waste) generated in food processing, catering services, unit catering and other activities by public institutions such as party and government organs, public institutions and hotels, restaurants and other related enterprises, a sound measurement and charging mechanism should be established in accordance with the principle of "producer pays".

For the mode and standard of measurement and charging, the guidance also gives relevant requirements: encourage all regions to establish a progressive price increase mechanism for non resident kitchen waste exceeding the quota, reasonably determine the quota and grading, increase the price differential, reflect the incentive and punishment effect of the price mechanism, and give full play to the incentive and constraint effect of the price mechanism.

The domestic waste classification is mainly based on the quartering method. Why do you choose kitchen waste for measurement and charging?

"I think there are two main reasons, one is the huge amount of food waste in China." A municipal staff member in Beijing told the Beijing Business Daily that the amount of food waste in China is very large, and the growth rate is even faster. In 2019, the amount of food waste in China was 108 million tons, and by 2020 it will become 120 million tons.

In addition, compared with other types of waste, the classification of non resident kitchen waste is the best.

"Especially for some government agencies, the kitchen waste classification system has been relatively perfect. However, even in Beijing, residents are actively classifying their own waste nature And the ability still needs to be improved, and some communities still need to rely on neighborhood committees, which leads to the relatively difficult implementation of measurement charges in waste treatment. " Said the above staff.

For the transportation and collection of kitchen waste in different regions, the guidance also points out that in regions with basically complete supervision system for the collection and transportation of kitchen waste, the measurement and charging of non resident kitchen waste should be realized as soon as possible, and a progressive price increase mechanism should be gradually established in excess of the quota; Other cities should achieve full coverage of the collection and transportation of kitchen waste as soon as possible, and gradually promote the reform of the charging mechanism for non resident kitchen waste on this basis.

The middle and rear end treatment of kitchen waste is also an important part of the whole waste recycling chain. In this regard, the guiding opinions are clear. We should speed up the rationalization of the management system and operation mechanism for the collection, transportation and disposal of non resident kitchen waste, and gradually realize the commercialization of the operation subject and the marketization of the operation mechanism; Establish and improve the incentive mechanism to improve the service quality of the garbage collection and transportation unit, and force the garbage collection and transportation service unit to improve the service quality through contract management, introduction of competition and other ways.

Since this year, the domestic food waste back-end processing market has shown an upward trend. In 2021, from January to April, there will be 115 successful projects for the treatment and disposal of food waste nationwide investment The amount was 5.791 billion yuan, with a year-on-year increase of 55.4% in the cumulative number of winning projects from January to April 2020, and an increase of 34% in the cumulative amount of winning projects.

In addition, the guidance requires that the registration management system for the discharge of non resident kitchen waste be improved, a waste discharge account be established, a collection, transportation and disposal manifest system be implemented, and the electronic manifest information management be gradually realized.

Taking the Xidan Business District, a sample of non resident kitchen waste disposal in Beijing, as an example, the Xidan Business District is composed of 13 large supermarket enterprises and more than 3600 small and medium-sized businesses, including 312 catering units. At present, all the retail enterprises in Xidan Business District have established garbage classification accounts, and more than 300 catering enterprises have classified their garbage in accordance with the standards and specifications.

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