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Shanxi: Housing loan "business to business" opens an "opening"

China News Network, Taiyuan, October 21 (Gao Ruifeng) "From October 1, 2018 to October 20, 2023, when commercial banks issued commercial housing loans, the loaned houses can apply for housing commercial loans to be transferred to provident fund loans after obtaining the real estate ownership certificate." On October 21, the reporter learned the above news from the Housing Fund Management Center of Shanxi Provincial Authority.


According to the "Notice on Adjusting the Housing Provident Fund Loan Policy" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice") of the Center, the adjustment of housing provident fund loan policy includes "business to business", down payment ratio, loan limit, identification criteria for the number of houses purchased, etc.

Among them, the down payment proportion is adjusted to no less than 20% of the purchase price if the purchase of the second improved housing applies for housing provident fund loans; In terms of the loan limit, the maximum loan limit of both the unilateral and bilateral employees is 800000 yuan.

The Notice clearly states that the number of employee family housing units paid in the housing provident fund loan shall be determined according to the number of complete housing units actually owned by the family members who intend to purchase the housing in the six urban districts of Taiyuan City and the number of complete housing provident fund loans nationwide, and the number of complete housing units in other regions and the number of commercial loans for complete housing units nationwide shall not be included.

In addition, if the housing provident fund loan is applied for purchase of housing, the corresponding amount of withdrawal will not be deducted from the loan amount applied for if the withdrawal occurs due to purchase of the housing.

The "business to business" business of housing loans is to convert commercial loans into provident fund loans or part of them into provident fund loans. The "business to business" housing loan has a positive effect on reducing the cost of monthly supply, which can provide more convenience for home buyers to choose loans, but this policy is related to whether the amount of provident fund loans in various regions is sufficient. It is understood that since the end of last year, many places in China have "loosened" the policy of "business to public" housing loans. (End)

key word: notice housing provident fund Business to business Commercial loans down payments

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