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Romance of "Generation Z" newlyweds: "lighten the burden" of the wedding with creativity

Chinanews. com, Jilin, October 21, by wire: Romance of "Generation Z" newlyweds: "lighten the burden" for weddings with creativity

China News Network reporter Shi Hongyu

At the wedding ceremony, the groom Ma Jingyuan watched his 26 year old bride Pan Yue affectionately sing a Cantonese love song and perform a "break dance". "My performance is not mature yet." The groom made a self mockery, which made his relatives and friends laugh.

"We will remember this picture until we are old." Pan Yue "bailed out" for her husband in time. The wedding budget is not high, but the "sense of ceremony" is full, which makes many students of the new couple envy.

The couple came from Yongji County, Jilin Province. As one of the experimental areas for the reform of marriage customs in China, the local government has been focusing on cultivating the characteristic marriage and family culture in recent years, advocating new and simple weddings, and holding collective weddings. These official measures have received positive responses from many "Generation Z" newcomers.

In recent years, the marriage and love problems of young people have attracted much social attention. The amount of betrothal gifts has kept rising, and some areas have also seen the bad habit of "marriage trouble". In 2020, the Ministry of Civil Affairs issued the Guiding Opinions on Carrying out the Pilot Work of Marriage Custom Reform, aiming to promote marriage happiness and family harmony.

October is the wedding season in Northeast China. Hu Dongxue, 27, attended the group wedding held in the county seat. At the scene, the invited golden married elders told about their happiness in their marriage life and "small troubles related to happiness".

The collective wedding ceremony was held in Yongji County, Jilin Province. Picture provided by Yongji County Party Committee Propaganda Department

"I hope our marriage can get the blessing of the golden wedding elders." Hu Dongxue believes that the wedding ceremony is very important, but she values the happiness of staying with the old. Hu Dongxue recorded what the golden wedding elders said in his diary and gave it to the groom.

Liu Mengyuan, a government clerk, met the groom from childhood and "experienced a real love run". She put the romance of the wedding into the process of obtaining evidence. At the marriage registration office in Yongji County, Liu Mengyuan handed the wedding photos to the staff. When they read their wedding vows, these photos were played on the big screen. Her invited friends, classmates and relatives witnessed the warm moment on the spot.

Xian Lihui, director of the marriage registration office of Yongji County Civil Affairs Bureau, said that in order to meet the personalized needs of young people, the service hall has also set up a certification system for celebrities, golden couples, etc. Up to now, nearly 100 "featured certification" ceremonies have been held.

Yao Lijun, deputy director of the Civil Affairs Bureau of Yongji County, said that the local area is inhabited by Manchu people. In order to meet the young people's pursuit of tradition, national style and romance, the local village museum also set up a Manchu wedding scene, attracting many new people to "punch in". In order to solve the problem of "dating difficulty", Yongji County has also set up 158 "matchmaking councils" to advocate simple and moderate marriage customs to the new generation of young people.

Pi Fusheng, a cultural and historical researcher of the CPPCC Jilin Municipal Committee, believes that every generation has different personalities and pursuits. With the development of society becoming more diversified, contemporary young people have increasingly diversified pursuits for wedding forms. Under such a background, the whole society needs to create a new fashion, guide young people to pay more attention to the connotation of marriage, put an end to bad customs such as "sky high bride price", and all regions should also try their best to provide services for young people's personalized ceremonies. (End)


key word: Yongji County new people punch the clock Break dance marriage custom

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