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Huasu Technology (301157): the turnover rate of the stock is more than 8% (09-08)

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Abstract: On September 8, 2023, the turnover rate of Huasu Technology (301157) will be more than 8%, and the net outflow of main capital will be 3.4077 million yuan.

The turnover rate of more than 8% indicates that the stock is currently in a relatively active situation and has received the attention of funds in the market. If the turnover rate of 5% is on the way up, it indicates that the stock is in a state of being pulled up, and the trading volume will also be enlarged compared with the previous days. However, the turnover rate indicates the frequency of changing hands to buy and sell stocks, so be careful that the funds at the bottom continue to flow out. If the new funds cannot drive up the stock price, the future market will be bearish;

According to the data of fund flow, the net outflow of main funds was 3.4077 million yuan, accounting for - 6% of the total turnover, of which 1.1399 million yuan was from super large orders, 2.2678 million yuan was from large orders, and 1.2866 million yuan was from retail investors.

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