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On the first day of the torch relay of the Hangzhou Asian Games, 106 torchbearers participated in the "torch relay"

Photographed by Qian Chenfei

On September 8, the torch relay of the Hangzhou Asian Games started. The first day of the relay started from the Yongjin Park Square of the West Lake in Hangzhou, followed Nanshan Road - Hubin Road - West Ring Road - Beishan Street - Xiling Bridge - Gushan Road, and ended in Pinghu Autumn Moon, one of the "Ten Sceneries of the West Lake". The picture shows Ye Jiaxing, the non hereditary successor of the Southern Song Dynasty official kiln porcelain, passing the torch.

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Photographed by Qian Chenfei

Ye Jiaxing (right), a non hereditary successor of the Southern Song Dynasty official kiln porcelain, handed over the torch with Mai Jia, a famous writer and screenwriter (left).

Photographed by Qian Chenfei

Ye Jiaxing (left), a non hereditary successor of the Southern Song Dynasty official kiln porcelain, handed over the torch with Mai Jia, a famous writer and screenwriter (right).

Photographed by Wang Gang

Olympic champion Yang Qian (left) and model Chen Liqun (right) hand over the torch.

Photographed by Wang Gang

Chen Liqun, a model of the times, passed the torch.

Photographed by Qian Chenfei

People watched the torch relay of the Hangzhou Asian Games.

Photographed by Qian Chenfei

People watched the torch relay of the Hangzhou Asian Games. A total of 106 torchbearers participated in the first day of the torch relay of the Hangzhou Asian Games. The high torch of the Asian Games conveys unity, friendship and hope. The name of the torch of the Hangzhou Asian Games is "firewood", which means that the Chinese civilization is handed down from generation to generation.

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