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Xiamen's home economics industry has a professional skills appraisal station, which will promote the quality and expansion of the industry

There are a variety of domestic training institutions in the market, and the gold content of certificates is difficult to distinguish, which not only puzzles employers who choose domestic workers, but also confuses workers who are preparing to enter the domestic industry. In the future, such troubles can be eliminated. Yesterday, the professional skills appraisal station of Xiamen Family Service Industry Association was inaugurated, marking the official professional skills appraisal of the domestic industry in Xiamen flat Sets.

near Over the past years, the Family Service Industry Association of Zhuhai has taken a series of measures to promote the quality and expansion of the domestic service industry and achieved good results. However, the quality of certificates issued by different subjects, such as "gold medal sister-in-law", "gold medal nanny" and "gold medal nurse", is uneven, and it is difficult to distinguish the true from the false, which often leads to various contradictions and disputes, and has a negative impact on the trust and reputation of the domestic industry. Up to now, our city has entered the national credit flat Taiwan has 100000 domestic workers, and there is an urgent need for standardized training and certification.

"The establishment of the skill appraisal station means that our city's domestic workers can obtain the professional skill appraisal certificate certified by the human resources and social security department." Zhang Xu, president of the Municipal Family Service Industry Association, said that this is the only domestic skill appraisal with official endorsement in our city at present flat Sets. The appraisal station sets up cooking kitchen, simulated laundry, simulated living room, simulated home room and other practical scenarios, and invites experts in the field of home economics to establish an expert database, which can provide standardized training, assessment and certification services for the city's home economics practitioners.

Xie Wu, honorary president of the Municipal Family Service Industry Association, said that flat The establishment of Taiwan is a new measure to govern the consumer market of family services according to law and regulations. In the next step, the municipal family service industry association will steadily improve the quality of professional skills identification of home economics in our city, and create a new situation in the home economics service industry.

key word: Xiamen Housekeeping Industry Xiamen Family Service Industry Association Vocational skill appraisal Xiamen Housekeeper

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