Qianjiang Evening News: "It's difficult to recruit workers with a monthly salary of 20000", so don't worry too much
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Qianjiang Evening News: "It's difficult to recruit workers with a monthly salary of 20000", so don't worry too much

According to media reports, after the Lantern Festival, the village in the city of Haizhu District of Guangzhou ushered in the annual recruitment climax. On both sides of Nanyue Street, Lujiang, there are many recruiters, and the queue is about one kilometer long. By contrast, the number of applicants is sparse. In the recruitment team, many of them are factory owners themselves. They generally say that workers who could be recruited with a daily salary of 300 yuan or 400 yuan last year may not be recruited with a daily salary of 400 yuan or 500 yuan this year. Ms. Yao, the proprietress of Lujiang Village Garment Factory, said that a skilled fourth line worker could easily earn more than ten thousand a month, but at present most of the workers are middle-aged people. "Young people are unwilling to do this. Now there are 10 job seekers on the road, and only one or two are workers."

Difficulty in recruitment and labor shortage have almost become a fixed topic every spring. However, this time, the media's narration was more sensational, and the situation exposed was slightly serious. "The monthly salary of the garment industry is 20000 yuan, but no one can recruit". This title has surprised many netizens since the beginning. Although it is hard to say that there are exaggerations and inaccuracies, at least there is a suspicion of generalizing. It can be seen from the detailed report that the so-called "monthly salary of 20000 yuan" is not the standard salary in the garment industry, nor can individuals earn this high salary. Therefore, there is no need to pretend to be surprised or to express some inexplicable feelings about this matter.

In fact, anyone who has a little understanding of the situation of the coastal processing plant will know what the "monthly salary of the garment factory is 20000 yuan" is. The general salary model of such factories has always been piecemeal commission. For ordinary workers who earn more for more work, although it is possible to obtain higher wages through endless overtime and overload, this is a small probability event and is not sustainable after all. In contrast, the vast majority of workers earn only a few thousand yuan a month... Interestingly, many people do not know the inside story, but subconsciously think that the so-called "monthly salary of 20000" is probably the irresponsible base salary, which can be said to be a deep misunderstanding.

"The monthly salary of the garment factory is 20000 yuan" can not be trusted, but it is an indisputable fact that young people are less and less going to the factory. There are undoubtedly many reasons for this phenomenon. First of all, the market has provided a series of more attractive jobs, such as intermediary, sales, express and other service industries, which have greatly diverted young employees; In addition, the reality that young people generally lack skilled production skills has also caused their two-way mismatch with manufacturing factories. All these are difficult to interpret as "labor shortage" in one direction. Behind the appearance is the profound change of social industrial structure and individual lifestyle.

As some points out, the essence of labor shortage is actually the lack of skilled workers and hard work, and these two groups of people are the most able to obtain excess returns. It can be predicted that under the general background that young people are increasingly unable to bear hardships and stay, skilled workers and hard work will only become increasingly scarce. The younger generation is totally different from the previous generation in their attitude towards life, which affects their choice of jobs and indirectly promotes the survival of the fittest in the manufacturing industry. Moreover, the accumulation of the parents also objectively guaranteed that the "second generation" could choose their own life.

It is certainly unfair for factories to blame young people for being afraid of hardship and being unreliable. After all, to achieve full and high-quality employment, it is not necessarily necessary to work in factories. As a result of purely market selection, it is hard to say who is right and who is wrong.

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