Digitalization is changing the sales and services of life insurance and non life insurance companies _ China Venture Capital Network
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Digitalization is changing the sales and services of life insurance and non life insurance companies

On July 14, the latest sigma report of Swiss Re Research Institute of Swiss Re Insurance, World Insurance Industry: Accelerating Recovery, showed that digitalization is changing the sales and services of life insurance and non life insurance companies.

The report pointed out that consumers quickly adapted to the online mode and gradually conducted online transactions at all insurance contacts. Insurance companies continue to increase their commitment to insurance technology investment , continue to improve and expand the scope of online services, and gradually expand the functions from obtaining new customers and providing advice to online insurance product pricing and underwriting, policy generation, payment processing and after-sales services. Social media (e.g. Chinese WeChat )And health tracking applications flat Taiwan will become the main source of life insurance sales.

The report points out that in the global scope of 2/3, regions with the best digital infrastructure, high degree of digitalization and the ability to purchase insurance policies online may usher in the largest growth of life insurance premiums. Dr. Jerome Jean Haegeli, chief economist of Swiss Re Group, believes that China's goal of 80% online property insurance business by 2022, as well as accelerating investment in core technologies such as big data, cloud computing, the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, will become one of the key factors for China to promote digital and technological transformation of the insurance industry.

key word: digitization Life insurance company Non life insurance company Swiss Re

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