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[Case release] The first instance of Hou Hua's suspected bribery, misappropriation of public funds and corruption cases opened
Time: August 18, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
On August 16, Hou Hua (deputy department level), the former deputy secretary of the CPPCC Suzhou Committee, who was prosecuted by the People's Procuratorate of Xuancheng City, Anhui Province, on suspicion of bribery, misappropriation of public funds, and corruption, opened a public hearing in the first instance of Xuancheng Intermediate People's Court.   

The People's Procuratorate of Xuancheng City indicted: From 2004 to 2019, Hou Hua, the defendant, took advantage of his position or the conditions formed by his position of power to seek benefits for others in financing loans, business contracting, project acceptance, project promotion and other aspects through the job behavior of other state staff, and illegally received more than 12.35 million yuan of property from others. From 2004 to 2012, Hou Hua accepted others' requests to seek benefits for individuals, relatives and related enterprises, and misappropriated a total of 6.8 million yuan of public funds while serving as the office director and secretary general of Bozhou Municipal Government. In the first half of 2018, Hou Hua gang, together with others, illegally obtained reward funds. Knowing that the relevant project did not meet the application conditions, he still fabricated the application materials, and took advantage of his position to help the project declare and pass the review through the job behavior of relevant national staff, and obtained 1.2 million yuan of reward funds.

   The People's Procuratorate of Xuancheng City believes that the defendant Hou incarnated as a state functionary, took advantage of his position to seek benefits for others, or took advantage of his own position of power to seek illegitimate benefits for others through the behavior of other state functionaries in their positions, and illegally received other people's property in a particularly large amount; As a state functionary, taking advantage of his position to misappropriate public funds for personal use and carry out profit-making activities, the circumstances are serious; As a state functionary, taking advantage of his position to illegally occupy public property by means of fraud, and the amount is huge, he shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law for the crime of bribery, misappropriation of public funds, and embezzlement. In view of the fact that the defendant Hou Hua truthfully confessed his crime, sincerely repented, actively returned the stolen goods, and voluntarily pleaded guilty to punishment before initiating public prosecution, he can be lenient.

   During the trial, the procuratorial organ showed relevant evidence, the defendant Hou Hua and his defender conducted cross examination, the prosecution and the defense fully expressed their opinions under the auspices of the court, Hou Hua also made a final statement, and expressed their willingness to plead guilty in court.   
More than 40 staff members of Xuancheng Municipal Government Offices and close relatives of the defendant attended the trial, The court will choose a time to pronounce the sentence.