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Case interpretation
Jingxian County Procurator: The theft of construction equipment and building materials for key projects is approved!
Time: September 26, 2021 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   Wuhuang Expressway is a key project in Jingchuan County. However, villagers Cao Moujia and Cao Mouyi in Jingchuan Town, together, set their eyes on the project and stole construction equipment and building materials wantonly. two thousand and twenty-one year nine month twenty-two day Jing County People's Procuratorate approved the arrest of suspects Cao Moujia and Cao Mouyi for theft. Cao Moujia undertook some small projects in the local area before the incident, and his work and living area is adjacent to the construction site of Wuhuang Expressway. He saw all kinds of iron construction equipment and building materials stacked on the construction site of Wuhuang Expressway. After a long time, he had evil thoughts and had the idea of these equipment and materials. In the early morning of August 9, 2021, Cao Moujia and Cao Mouyi jointly stole and sold the materials on the construction site to make a profit. On September 15, 2021, Cao Moujia and Cao Mouyi were arrested by the public security organ on suspicion of theft.   After accepting the case, the People's Procuratorate of Jingxian County, after examination, believed that the criminal suspect Cao Moujia, together with Cao Mouyi, stole public and private property by secret means for the purpose of illegal possession, with a large amount. His behavior has violated the criminal law, and his criminal responsibility should be investigated for theft. In order to form a deterrent effect and effectively guarantee the smooth progress of key projects, the People's Procuratorate of Jingxian County handled the case strictly and quickly according to law, and approved the arrest according to law. In recent years, the People's Procuratorate of Jingxian County has always regarded safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises and serving the construction of key projects as the top priority of the procuratorial organ in serving the local economic development, giving full play to its procuratorial functions in combating, punishing and preventing criminal crimes, and striving to create a good legal and business environment, To contribute more procuratorial wisdom and strength to the high-quality economic and social development of Jingxian County.