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How to stop similar enterprises from "stepping on the thunder"? After finishing this enterprise related case, the prosecutor thought of new media
Time: May 8, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Hu Lei is the deputy director of the Fifth Procuratorial Department of the Xuancheng People's Procuratorate. She handled a case involving enterprises some time ago. The enterprise in this case is an agricultural development company, which has invested and operated a blueberry plantation in Xuancheng. In May last year, in order to prevent birds from pecking blueberry fruits, the company arranged people to set up a silk screen in the fruit producing area of the plantation, resulting in 50 dead birds due to entanglement of the silk screen. After identification, 48 dead birds were included in the List of Terrestrial Wildlife with Important Ecological, Scientific and Social Values under National Protection 》The company's behavior of hindering the survival and reproduction of wild animals has damaged the social and public interests. For this reason, the Xuancheng People's Procuratorate filed a civil public interest lawsuit against the company in accordance with the law, requiring the company to bear the cost of ecological restoration.



"In the daily case handling, we often encounter people and enterprises who pay the price for lack of legal knowledge. It will soon be May, and the fruit bearing period of blueberries and other products will come again. There are many such agricultural enterprises and growers in Xuancheng. How can we let them accurately know the legal knowledge, avoid legal risks, and avoid repeating the mistakes of this enterprise related case?" The undertaker believes that in addition to the rule of law punishment, strengthening the legal knowledge of the masses and enterprises is the source of the problem.



"More publicity should be given to the" 351 "project and the work of serving and ensuring the healthy development of private economy!" Recently, at the member meeting of the leading group for protection and coordination of private economy held by Xuancheng People's Procuratorate, Deputy Procurator General Wu Xiaoming asked how to carry out the "351" project to boost the healthy development of private economy. Because of the epidemic, how to innovate ways to provide entrepreneurs with accurate legal services?



With problems in mind, the Xuancheng Procuratorate strengthened its contacts to form a joint force, and found the best way to popularize the law through docking with the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce. Relying on the new media studio, the procurator undertook to record a special video of popularizing the law, and the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce sent the video to local growers and related enterprises through relevant channels to remind enterprises to prevent birds scientifically and prevent legal risks.



The healthy development of the private economy cannot be separated from a strong legal guarantee. Xuancheng procuratorial organs, while handling enterprise related cases according to law, also work hard on details to provide accurate and effective services to enterprises, actively act and serve first, and "what kind of legal services enterprises need most" as the foothold!