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Case interpretation
Stay away from drunk driving and let others' lives pay for their mistakes
Time: August 5, 2019 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Refuse drunk driving




The World Health Organization survey shows that 50% - 60% of traffic accidents are caused by drunk driving. In recent years, the investigation and punishment of drunk driving has been strengthened, and the public security department has always maintained a strict control over drunk driving, but there are still people taking chances to try the law. According to the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security of China, in the first half of 2019, local public security and traffic management departments were zero tolerant of illegal and criminal acts of drunk driving. A total of 901000 cases of drunk driving were investigated and dealt with nationwide, including 177000 cases of drunk driving. 1525 traffic accidents caused by drunk driving resulted in 1674 deaths.



In 2010, the driver of an Infiniti car was drunk, resulting in two deaths and one injury. In 2012, the "crazy BYD" incident occurred in Pudong, Shanghai, which resulted in three deaths and three injuries due to drunk driving. In 2014, a drunken man named Chen knocked down several pedestrians at the gate of Bengbu Wanda Plaza, resulting in 6 deaths. Recently, the painful lesson of the "Yongcheng woman drunken driving Maserati incident" in Jiangxi was vividly remembered. The driver hit and ran while drunk and ran after others. Two passengers of the hit vehicle were killed on the spot, and the driver was severely burned, causing many deaths and injuries.
Scenes of drunken driving accidents caused serious casualties and adverse social impact. However, those who are taking chances did not stop the steering wheel full of alcohol in their hands. They made mistakes and recklessly used other people's lives to "pay".

Ningguo Municipal People's Procuratorate accepted a traffic accident case that was submitted by the public security organ for approval of arrest. This was a traffic accident that caused death when a woman was drunk driving and speeding in the early morning of July 19 in our city. The victim of this traffic accident is a 25 year old mother with more than four years old children

On July 18, the suspect Zhang Moumou (female, from Tianjia'an District, Huainan City, Anhui Province) drove to Ningguo City late at night to meet friends for supper. At 1:00 a.m. on July 19, when the suspect Zhang drove a small car in a drunken state from west to east along Ningyang East Road in Ningguo City to the road in front of the city hospital, he collided with the battery car driven by the victim Hu in the right lane at a speed of 114 kilometers per hour, causing serious injury to the victim Hu and damage to many cars parked on the roadside, The victim Hu died on the same day after the rescue failed. After the incident, the suspect Zhang drove away from the scene of the accident and was captured by the special patrol police team of our city's public security bureau.

After examination, the procuratorial organ believes that the criminal suspect, Zhang Moumou, who drove a motor vehicle while intoxicated and caused one person to die and many vehicles to be damaged, has clear criminal facts and sufficient evidence. On August 1, the Ningguo People's Procuratorate approved the arrest of the criminal suspect Zhang Moumou on suspicion of causing a traffic accident according to law and handed it over to the public security organ for execution. At present, the case is being further handled.  


The survey shows that

40% of drunk drivers "believe too much in their driving skills", and do not realize that drunk driving will have a great potential safety hazard, often resulting in unrepentant traffic accidents. So, what kind of impact does drunk driving have on drivers?  


1. Reduced tactility




When driving after drinking alcohol, people's touch sense of hands and feet is lower than usual due to alcohol anesthesia, and they often cannot control the accelerator, brake and steering wheel normally.  


2. Decreased judgment ability and operation ability




After drinking, people's response time to light and sound stimulation is prolonged, so they cannot correctly judge the distance and speed.  


3. Visual impairment




The alcohol content in the blood exceeds 0.3%. Will lead to reduced vision, in this case, people have no ability to drive. If the alcohol content exceeds 0.8%, the driver's vision will be reduced. As for drunken drivers, they can only feel a small part of the surrounding environment.  


4. Psychological overestimation




Under the stimulation of alcohol, people sometimes overestimate themselves, ignore the advice around them, and often do things that do not follow their heart.  


5. Drowsiness and fatigue




Under the stimulation of alcohol, 80% of people are prone to liver retention, which is often referred to as drowsiness, manifested by fatigue driving behaviors such as irregular driving and poor spatial vision.  


In front of the law, there is no fluke mentality of "I think", and no absurd excuse of "not seeing". Hundreds of billions of assets can be inherited, but can not become the "amulet" to break through the bottom line of human relations; Alcohol can paralyze the nerves, but it is never an excuse for blurring the vision; Those "I think" who hold a fluke mentality cannot be the "shield" to escape legal sanctions. For the safety of life and property of individuals and others, and for social harmony and tranquility, please stay away from the steering wheel after drinking, and refuse to drink and drive!