Work report
2022 Annual Work Report of Xuancheng People's Procuratorate
Time: April 20, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   Work Report of Xuancheng People's Procuratorate

   Review of main work in five years

   The past five years have seen Xuancheng catch up with, surpass and rise vigorously, as well as the reform and development of procuratorial organs and the onerous task of legal supervision. The procuratorial organs of the whole city adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, deeply practice Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, under the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and the Provincial Procuratorate, forge ahead, overcome difficulties, fulfill their mission, faithfully perform the duties entrusted by the Constitution and the law, and strive to write a new era procuratorial chapter in serving and guaranteeing the construction of a modern and beautiful propaganda city.

   We will resolutely safeguard national security and social stability. Fully implement the overall national security concept, actively invest in the construction of a higher level of safety propaganda city, approve the arrest of 4288 people in 2946 cases of various crimes, and file 9265 public prosecutions of 12927 people. Ensure overall stability. We will crack down on crimes against national security and cult organizations, and resolutely safeguard national and political security We have always maintained a high pressure and prosecuted 533 people in 399 cases of serious violent crimes. In accordance with the law, we will quickly and severely punish such major vicious cases as 3.14 violent killing of doctors and poverty relief cadres. We severely punished crimes against people's property, actively carried out special actions such as "card cutting" and "net access", and prosecuted 697 people in 199 cases of crimes such as telecommunications network fraud and infringement of citizens' personal information. We will strengthen judicial protection. Timely handle illegal and criminal cases that hinder social management order and damage social and public interests during important periods such as epidemic prevention and control, flood control and disaster relief. Strengthening procuratorial responsibility. We will firmly complete the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party and other important milestones Maintain safety and stability in procuratorial link Work tasks.

   We will strictly advance the fight against organized crime and evil in accordance with the law. We will resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the Central Committee, make vigorous efforts to fight hard and win the three-year special struggle, approve the arrest of 349 people involved in mafia related crimes, prosecute 652 people, prosecute 19 "umbrella" people, and successfully handle major cases such as the Fuyang "Zhang Brothers" project listed and supervised by the National Anti Mafia Office. We will strengthen key rectification measures. We actively carried out special governance, prosecuted 7 criminal gangs involved in evil, and severely cracked down on the "five tyrants" such as sand tyrants and vegetable tyrants, and the "village tyrants" and evil clan forces; Around oversight oversight, 267 procuratorial recommendations were issued. Strengthen legal supervision. Strictly implement systems such as early intervention and check, supervise and correct 83 people who have missed arrest and prosecution, and for those who do not constitute a crime or lack of evidence, do not arrest or prosecute 71 people in accordance with the law, so as to "not let go of any heinous crime, not make up for any heinous crime"; Strictly supervise the implementation of property, supervise the disposal of property involving 560 million yuan, and resolutely eradicate the breeding ground of evil forces. Focus on long-term treatment. We formulated and implemented the Guiding Opinions on Normalized Punishment and Prevention of Mafia Crimes, continued to promote the normalization of anti Mafia activities, and deepened and consolidated the achievements of special struggles.

   We will spare no effort to ensure high-quality economic development. We will resolutely implement major decisions and arrangements. Focusing on the central overall situation of the municipal party committee and government supporting the development of private economy, the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, and the construction of the "one place, six counties" cooperation zone, it was formulated and issued thirteen To provide high-quality and efficient procuratorial guarantee for economic development. Optimize the business environment. Actively participate in the comprehensive management of public security, work together to resolve conflicts and disputes in the construction of industrial parks, and escort the implementation of decisions such as strengthening the city through industry and "double recruiting and double guiding". Regulate the market competition order. We will crack down on crimes that disrupt market order, such as collusive bidding, forced trading, and illegal business operations, and prosecute 365 people in 125 cases according to law. Strengthen intellectual property protection. A special case handling team was set up to handle criminal cases of intellectual property infringement in a centralized manner, arrest 30 people and prosecute 105 people, and strengthen the legal protection of innovation and entrepreneurship. Equal protection of the private economy. Earnestly implement the "12" measures taken by the procuratorial organ to serve the private economy, strictly control the "four boundaries" between crime and non crime, implement the "three policies" for criminal case handling, and leniently deal with 282 people involved in crimes in private enterprises; Continue to promote four special supervisions such as the liquidation of enterprise related criminal cases; Improve the "green channel" for serving private enterprises, and improve the service platforms for contacting enterprises, chambers of commerce, parks, etc. The activity of "visiting enterprises and entrepreneurs" carried out by the city's procuratorial organs has been identified and promoted by the provincial procuratorate as a normalization measure for serving private enterprises.

   Actively serve to win the "three key battles". Focusing on the prevention and resolution of financial risks, we severely cracked down on crimes that disrupt the financial order, properly handled a number of public related economic crime cases that affect social stability, such as "Xuanpapa" and "e-Rent Treasure", and issued procuratorial suggestions to the financial management department in combination with case handling to promote strengthening supervision and source prevention and control. Serve the overall situation of financial development, innovate working methods, strengthen synchronous review, and increase anti money laundering efforts. In 2021, the case handling scale ranked first in the province, and Jiang's money laundering case was rated as a typical case by the provincial procuratorate. Focusing on poverty alleviation and the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, we have risen to the challenge and taken the initiative to complete the task of assistance in a down-to-earth manner, actively participated in the special treatment of corruption in the poverty alleviation field, and continued to deploy special agricultural related procuratorial work such as combating agricultural materials counterfeiting. We strengthened judicial assistance, promptly helped 133 people who returned to poverty due to cases, and paid 3.04 million yuan in judicial assistance. We strengthened support for prosecutions and helped 296 migrant workers recover 4.32 million yuan of labor remuneration. Focus on the judicial protection of ecological environment, actively promote the rectification of the problems fed back by the central and provincial ecological environmental protection supervision, prosecute 721 people for crimes against environmental resources, handle 554 public interest litigation cases, urge the restoration of 1771 mu of forest land and farmland, and recover more than 22 million yuan of ecological environment restoration costs. The case of Baisha Reservoir environmental pollution public welfare lawsuit was selected as the typical case of the highest inspection.

   We will strive to ensure the healthy growth of minors. Earnestly perform the legal responsibilities assigned by the Law on the Protection of Minors and the Law on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency, and comprehensively strengthen the procuratorial work for minors. We will strengthen judicial protection. Adhere to "zero tolerance" for crimes against minors, and prosecute 320 people; For minors suspected of minor crimes and showing repentance, 52 persons will not be arrested according to law, and 52 persons will not be prosecuted with conditions. Strengthen supervision and protection. We will continue to promote the implementation of the "No. 1 Procuratorial Recommendation" of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, take the lead in establishing a compulsory reporting system for infringement cases against minors in the province, jointly carry out case review and law enforcement supervision, and focus on promoting the implementation of the protection responsibilities of legal subjects. We will strengthen legal correction. We will build a "one-stop" inquiry and assistance center for juvenile victims, achieve full coverage of the construction of observation and protection bases, solidly promote the construction of social support system for juvenile protection, and improve juvenile judicial security facilities. The system of the Procurator General and the Procurator as the Vice President of the Rule of Law has been fully implemented, and the publicity of the rule of law in primary and secondary schools across the city has been fully covered.

   We will work together to safeguard the fairness of law enforcement and justice. Adhere to the problem orientation and comprehensively strengthen the supervision of criminal, civil and administrative proceedings. To strengthen the supervision of case filing, we continued to carry out seven special supervisions around the problems of no case filing, no case closure, and no case closure. It is suggested that 183 cases should be transferred by administrative organs, 222 cases should be filed by supervision and investigation organs, and 228 cases should be withdrawn. Strengthen investigation supervision, strictly implement the elimination of supervision responsibility of illegal evidence, and solidly carry out the verification of the legality of interrogation before the end of investigation of major cases; Actively carry out the review of the necessity of custody. In 2021, the city's non custody rate before litigation will be 67.65%, ranking first in the province; Earnestly listen to lawyers' opinions, safeguard lawyers' right to practice, and earnestly strengthen the protection of criminal suspects' judicial human rights; Strictly approve the arrest and prosecution standards, and correct 443 people who missed arrest and prosecution; 2622 people will not be arrested or prosecuted according to the law, and we will fully implement the criminal justice policy of combining leniency with severity, less arrests, more lawsuits and more detentions. Strengthen the supervision of criminal trial, pay attention to the fight against refinement and accuracy, and the quality and efficiency of trial supervision are stable and rising; Give play to the leading role of criminal proceedings, and coordinate to promote the smooth implementation of the legal system of plea of guilty and leniency of punishment. We will strengthen supervision over criminal execution, give full play to the role of itinerant procuratorial supervision, thoroughly carry out community corrections and tackle outstanding problems of non execution of sentences, clean up 146 offenders who have not been executed in accordance with the law, urge 139 prisoners to be put in prison, and promote the implementation of fairness and justice in the "last mile" of social concern and public concern. Strengthen civil administrative supervision, expand publicity influence, and comprehensively enhance the people's awareness of the rule of law in applying for civil administrative supervision according to law. The average annual growth rate of cases accepted in the past five years is 24.7%; We continued to carry out special rectification of "false litigation" and handled 282 supervision cases; We actively carried out substantive resolution of administrative disputes, resolved 58 cases of administrative disputes in accordance with the law, and worked hard to solve the problems of idle procedures and difficult case closure.

   We will steadily promote social governance in the city. Deeply practice the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era. Do a good job of letters and visits with sincerity. Earnestly implement the system and regulations of the Procurator General's receiving visits, people's letters and visits responding to each other, the first office responsibility system, and legal interpretation and reasoning. In the past five years, 2891 people's letters and visits have been handled, and there has not been a cross-border visit to Beijing involving prosecutors. Strengthen source prevention. Give full play to the advantages of the criminal procedure system in preventing and resolving conflicts, and make full use of the system measures such as leniency in pleading guilty and punishment, and criminal reconciliation. The appeal rate of first instance has decreased by 12.07 percentage points compared with that before the application of the system, so as to minimize social confrontation and promote social harmony. We will strengthen the rule of law. Carry forward the spirit of the struggle against the rule of law, accurately identify a number of cases involving the exercise of the right to legitimate defense, and effectively safeguard the simple and just view of the masses. Take the initiative to file civil public interest litigation against such heroic deeds as Li Xia and Dong Cunrui, and guide the society to better protect and respect heroes. We will strengthen publicity about the rule of law. Deeply implement the responsibility of popularizing the law, promote the "six advances" in the publicity of the rule of law, adhere to the principle of "interpreting the law with cases", and tell good stories about the prosecutorial rule of law. The "two micro and multi terminal" publicity works on the rule of law have received more than 35 million hits, and the "Xuancheng Procuratorate" official twitter number has repeatedly entered the top ten of the national procuratorial organ twitter list.

   Steadily promote the implementation of procuratorial reform and get results. Actively comply with the reform of the national supervision system and judicial system, and comprehensively complete the main task of "four beams and eight pillars" reform. The "four reforms" to ensure the implementation of the judicial responsibility system have been basically completed. A new pattern of fully coordinated development of the "four procurators" of criminal, civil, administrative and public interest litigation, with strengthening legal supervision as the main responsibility, has been fully formed. The team management, institutional functions and case handling system and mechanism have undergone unprecedented changes. We will give full support to the reform of the supervisory system. The city's procuratorial organs have 22 transfer institutions, 103 staffing, and 68 transferred personnel; We improved coordination mechanisms such as transferring clues, intervening in advance, reviewing and checking, and cooperating in investigation and handling. 216 people were prosecuted for 165 crimes of corruption and bribery, and 5 people were investigated for three crimes of judicial duty. The connection mechanism of supervision, inspection, and handling of cases was smooth and coordinated, and the joint efforts in the fight against corruption were constantly strengthened. The procuratorial litigation supervision is optimized and upgraded. The reform of the integration of arrest and prosecution has been fully implemented, and the supervision of criminal proceedings of "supervision in handling cases and handling cases under supervision" has become more effective; The implementation of case type, case specific supervision, and the "penetrating" resolution of conflicts and disputes, the number and quality of cases under supervision have been continuously improved, and the function of civil and administrative litigation supervision to serve social governance and meet the needs of the people for the rule of law has become increasingly prominent. The procuratorial public interest litigation was actively and steadily promoted. Elaborate organization and implementation, successfully held the National Public Interest Litigation Observation Court of Procuratorial Organs, and formed the experience of public interest litigation pilot Xuancheng; Actively explore the scope of "4+1" public interest litigation, protect the security of people's "tongue", "foot" and "personal information", and steadily expand the scope of responsibility for promoting the inheritance of local culture such as ancient houses (villages). Civil and administrative public interest litigation has developed rapidly, and the role of procuratorial public interest protectors has been increasingly highlighted.

   Vigorously strengthen the construction of the procuratorial team. We have always taken the building of a "politically competent and highly skilled" procuratorial team as a fundamental and strategic project, and we have always worked tirelessly to make a lasting contribution. Strengthen theoretical armed forces. Earnestly study and implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the plenary sessions of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, focus on education on various themes, carry out political rotation training, and educate and guide the police to strengthen their ideals and beliefs and build political loyalty. Strengthen the construction of energy. Deepen cooperation between procuratorates and schools, on-the-job training, practical training and business competitions, organize and carry out performance evaluation of all staff, and promote the professional quality of procuratorial police officers. Be strict in discipline. We will strengthen the leadership of strictly managing the Party, strictly supervise and manage the education of the procuratorial team, solidly carry out the education and rectification of the political and legal team, patrol inspection and rectification, continue to promote the "three cases based" warning education, unremittingly rectify the "four styles", pay close attention to the implementation of the "three regulations", strictly prevent and control the risk of integrity in the operation of procuratorial power, and the discipline and style of the procuratorial team will continue to improve. We strengthened the cultivation of advanced models. 112 collectives and 95 individuals in the city won honorary awards at or above the provincial level, and a batch of advanced models represented by the national model prosecutors Zhou Huiming and Xu Mingshu emerged successively.

   Fully tamp the base course foundation. Adhere to the principle of focusing on the basic level and laying the foundation as a long-term plan and a fundamental move to promote the development of procuratorial work. Deepen the construction of judicial standardization. Comprehensively implement the judicial management mechanism of unified case acceptance, full process control, dynamic supervision, and post case evaluation, strengthen judicial supervision and inspection, promote the continuous improvement of judicial standardization level, always rank among the province's advanced in case quality and efficiency, 14 police officers won the title of model experts in business competitions at or above the provincial level, and 25 cases were selected as typical cases of procuratorial organs nationwide and across the province. Strengthen infrastructure construction. A number of basic projects, such as the procuratorial work area, remote disaster recovery backup center, new media studio, public interest litigation rapid detection laboratory, procuratorial work network, have been completed and put into use, and the informatization and intelligence level of procuratorial organs has been further improved. Strengthen the construction of grass-roots hospitals. Improve the basic level Procuratorial work Assessment mechanism, organizing sampling assessment, The system of half year comments and year-round assessments is implemented, Guide the grass root hospital correct Performance of duties Actively build a grass-roots infrastructure construction system that "municipal level hospitals take the lead and grass-roots hospitals take the responsibility", and promote the overall development and synchronous improvement of the city's procuratorial work through specific measures such as classified guidance, fixed-point contact, and key assistance. One grassroots hospital was selected as a national civilized unit, four grassroots hospitals were selected as the "12th Anhui Provincial Civilized Unit", and three grassroots hospitals were awarded the title of "Provincial Advanced Grass roots Procuratorate".

   Actively accept the supervision of all parties. Over the past five years, we have consciously cultivated the awareness of "forging iron must be hard on our own, and supervisors should be more subject to supervision", thoroughly implemented the spirit of the previous sessions of the Fourth Municipal People's Congress, reported annual and special work to the People's Congress and its Standing Committee every year, and carefully handled the deliberation opinions. Actively invite deputies to the National People's Congress and CPPCC members to inspect work and participate in major activities to improve the transparency of procuratorial work. Actively handle the suggestions of representatives and proposals of members, give full play to the role of people's supervisors and procuratorial hearers in decision-making and supervision of justice, and always use power under supervision and justice under the sun. We will deepen the openness of procuratorial affairs, use portal websites and new media matrices to publish major cases and open legal documents, safeguard the people's right to know, participate and supervise, and ensure that procuratorial power is exercised in strict accordance with the law and in a fair and standardized manner.

   Looking back on the past five years, we have deeply realized that the leadership of the Party has always been the fundamental principle for procuratorial work. Only by unswervingly adhering to the leadership of the Party and clearly supporting the core of the Party can we ensure the correct direction of procuratorial work; Serving the overall situation is always the basic responsibility of the procuratorial work. Only by resonating with the decision-making of the municipal party committee and working together with the needs of the overall situation can we fulfill our mission and demonstrate our responsibility; Justice for the people has always been the constant adherence of procuratorial work. Only by actively responding to the new expectations of the people in the new era on democracy, rule of law, fairness, justice and other aspects, can we win the sincere recognition of the masses; Reform and innovation have always been the source of good procuratorial work. Only by advancing through solving difficult problems and developing through reform, can all work be promoted to a higher level; Strengthening self-improvement is always the fundamental guarantee of procuratorial work. Only by continuously improving the political quality, professional quality and professional ethics, and consolidating the basic foundation, can the procuratorial team keep up with the requirements of the new era and achieve substantial development.

   Dear delegates! The achievements and progress of Xuancheng's procuratorial work are the result of the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and the Provincial Procuratorate, the supervision of the People's Congress according to law, the full support of the government, the democratic supervision of the CPPCC, and the care and help of all sectors of the society. It is also the result of the initiative of all representatives and members to offer advice and benefit from their insights. Here, on behalf of the Municipal People's Procuratorate, I would like to extend our high respect and heartfelt thanks to all of you!

   While summarizing achievements, We are also soberly aware that the city's procuratorial work still There are some problems and weaknesses: First, the procuratorial function is not fully developed, and the ability to use the rule of law thinking and the rule of law to serve economic development, ensure reform and innovation, and maintain social stability needs to be further improved; Second, the procuratorial supervision mechanism is not perfect, and there are still weak links in legal supervision; Third, procurators Discipline and style construction still needs constantly Strengthening basic infrastructure construction Continuous compaction is required In this regard, we take insist Keep an eye on it and take effective measures to solve it

   Write a new chapter in procuratorial work at a new starting point

   future Five years, It is a critical period for Xuancheng to forge ahead with the "14th Five Year Plan" and achieve new and greater development. We will insist on Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era Under the guidance of the Municipal Party Committee and the Provincial People's Procuratorate, under the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and the Provincial People's Procuratorate, with high-quality development as the theme, serving the people as the main line, and strengthening procuratorial legal supervision in the new era as the key, Xi Jinping's thoughts on the rule of law are thoroughly practiced, and the "four major procuratorates" and "ten major businesses" are comprehensively coordinated and fully developed, Efforts should be made to contribute procuratorial force to Xuancheng's construction of a modern city in the growth triangle central area.

   First, unswervingly adhere to the absolute leadership of the Party Deeply study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, consolidate and deepen the achievements of Party history study and education, strengthen the "Four Consciousness", strengthen the "Four Confidence", and achieve the "Two Safeguards". Earnestly implement the regulations on political and legal work, adhere to the integration of political construction and business construction, constantly improve political judgment, political understanding and political execution, more consciously put the absolute leadership of the Party through all aspects of the whole process of procuratorial work, and unswervingly reflect and implement the Party's decision-making and deployment into all procuratorial work.

   Second, unswervingly serve the overall development Adhere to the principle of centering on the center and serving the overall situation as the starting point of procuratorial work, base on procuratorial functions, target policy implementation and precise service. Correctly handle the relationship between supervision and security, innovate service measures, and do a good job in the procuratorial work of implementing the five development concepts. Adhere to the most important and direct means for procuratorial organs to serve the overall situation by combating all kinds of crimes in accordance with the law and safeguarding the unified and correct implementation of the law, comprehensively use the legal supervision function, and demonstrate the procuratorial responsibility in the high-quality development of escort.

   Third, unswervingly uphold fairness and justice. We should implement the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee on Strengthening the Legal Supervision of Procuratorial Organs in the New Era with a high degree of political consciousness, and earnestly shoulder the political, legal and procuratorial responsibilities entrusted by the Party and the people. We will strengthen legal supervision over criminal, civil and administrative litigation activities, promote the seamless connection and two-way connection between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice, and jointly promote justice by focusing on prominent issues such as lack of compliance with the law, lax enforcement of the law, failure to correct violations of the law, and unfair administration of justice, which are strongly reflected by the people.

   Fourth, unswervingly build a strong grass-roots foundation Strictly implement the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, adhere to political construction as the leadership, take firm ideals and beliefs as the foundation, strictly implement the spirit of the eight provisions of the Central Committee and its implementation rules, unswervingly do a good job of quality and energy construction, and do not stop improving the style and discipline, and strive to build a procuratorial team with firm faith, justice for the people, courage to take responsibility, integrity. Deepen the reform of the judicial system, improve the assistance and guidance mechanism, promote the construction of smart procuratorial work, constantly consolidate the grassroots foundation, and improve the quality of development.

   Work arrangement in 2022

   2022 is the year of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, an important year to accelerate the construction of a modern and beautiful Xuancheng, and the first year to implement the spirit of the provincial and municipal Party congresses, Doing well this year's procuratorial work has a long-term relationship Significant whole The municipal procuratorial organ will focus on the following aspects:

   First, adhere to better service to help Xuancheng's high-quality economic development Closely centering on the work deployment of the Fifth Municipal Party Congress and the goals and tasks of the city's economic and social development during the "14th Five Year Plan" period, we consciously integrate procuratorial work into the overall economic and social development. Actively participate in the modernization of social governance in the city, regularly carry out the fight against organized crime, crack down on new types of crimes, and ensure social stability and order. Focusing on the construction of "one place and six counties", strengthen the "government inspection linkage", strengthen intellectual property protection, and serve the development of new industries. Handle cases involving private enterprises prudently and optimize the business environment under the rule of law.

   Second, we will continue to protect the people's pursuit of a better life with deeper feelings. Give full play to the role of procuratorial functions, firmly handle all practical matters of procuratorial work for the people with "feeling the same", handle every "small case" that concerns the vital interests of the people with "such as I am suing", and strive to achieve the organic unity of law, reason and emotion, so that the people "feel" fairness and justice. Comprehensively use the procuratorial functions of criminal and public interest litigation, play a good combination of "punishing crimes and restoring ecology", and effectively protect green waters and green mountains. Actively integrate into the rural revitalization strategy, increase judicial assistance, severely punish agricultural related crimes in accordance with the law, and consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation. We will thoroughly implement the responsibility system for popularizing the law and lead the people to advance their concept of the rule of law.

   The third is to adhere to greater efforts to improve the quality and efficiency of legal supervision. Continue to improve criminal prosecution, We will conscientiously implement the criminal justice policy of "fewer arrests, more lawsuits and more custody", Strengthening criminal proceedings activity Supervise and strengthen the connection and cooperation between supervision and inspection. We will continue to strengthen civil procuratorial work, unblock judicial relief channels, accurately implement the Civil Code, improve the mechanism for punishing and preventing false litigation, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of various civil subjects. We will continue to strengthen administrative procuratorial work, improve and implement the work pattern based on administrative litigation supervision, guided by resolving administrative disputes, and extended by administrative non litigation enforcement supervision. We will continue to do a good job in public interest litigation, adhere to stabilizing the number, adjusting the structure, improving the quality and efficiency, and expanding the scope of public interest litigation, increase efforts to handle cases in legal areas, actively and steadily expand the scope of cases, and firmly safeguard public interests.

   Fourth, adhere to more stringent requirements to forge a loyal, clean and responsible procuratorial army. Always adhere to the Party's absolute leadership over procuratorial work and ensure the correct direction of procuratorial work. Adhere to the talent inspection strategy, strengthen the professional construction of the team, increase the training of leading talents, and optimize the cadre training and use mechanism. We will comprehensively deepen the reform of the judicial system and work hard to unleash the vitality of innovation and development. Adhere to strict governance of the Party and strict inspection in an all-round way, continue to consolidate the achievements of the education and rectification of the political and legal team, improve the supervision and restriction mechanism, persevere in improving the style and discipline, and ensure that the team is fair and honest.

   Fellow delegates, the new era calls for new actions, and the new journey shows new responsibilities. We will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, under the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and the Provincial Procuratorate, earnestly implement the spirit of this conference, forge ahead, blaze new trails, comprehensively improve the quality and efficiency of legal supervision, and make new and greater contributions to accelerating the construction of a modern and beautiful Xuancheng!