Procuratorial Highlights
[Publicity and inspection trends] Xuancheng Procuratorate held a forum on the creation of big data legal supervision model
Time: April 26, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In order to effectively improve the actual effectiveness of the city's digital procuratorial work, On the afternoon of April 9, Xuancheng Procuratorate held a symposium on the creation of big data legal supervision model. Five people including Sun Jun, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of Hangzhou Xihu District Procuratorate, were invited to attend the meeting. Xie Bing, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of the Municipal Procuratorate, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.

At the meeting, the founders of the legal supervision model of six business departments and seven grassroots courts of the Xuancheng Procuratorate reported on their own and their own ideas for creating the supervision model, the difficulties and expected effects of the model application, and the participants had in-depth exchanges on the practical significance and effects of the model, as well as the problems that need attention in the creation and application of the model. Through the discussion and exchange, the police further deepened their understanding and understanding of digital procuratorial work, opened up case handling ideas, shared experience and achievements, and laid a foundation for the supervision model to achieve good legal effects.

Xie Bing fully affirmed the enthusiasm and initiative of the city's procuratorate to create the big data legal supervision model, and thanked the comrades of the West Lake District Procuratorate for their pertinent comments in the forum. With regard to the modeling work of the procuratorial organs in the city, Xie Bing emphasized that: first, we should press ahead and test the practical effect of the model by handling cases. Second, it is necessary to highlight the effectiveness, adhere to the principle of enabling legal supervision of quality and efficiency, and carefully use some supervision models with unsatisfactory expected results. Third, coordination and linkage. The procuratorial organs of the whole city should adhere to resource sharing, up and down linkage, and promote the creation and application of the model as a whole.

The special digital procuratorial staff of the municipal procuratorate, the leaders in charge of digital procuratorial work of some grassroots courts, and the representatives who created the big data legal supervision model attended the meeting.