Procuratorial Highlights
[Publicity and Inspection News] Please be brave to say no to campus bullying
Time: April 26, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Campus bullying refers to an event that occurs inside and outside the campus or between students, where one party deliberately or maliciously bullies or insults the other party through physical, verbal and other means for a single or multiple times, causing physical injury, property loss or mental damage to the other party.

In order to popularize legal knowledge for students and let them know how to face campus bullying and protect themselves, In the afternoon of April 12, the uninspected department of Xuancheng Procuratorate came to Xuancheng Wending Middle School to give a special lecture on rule of law education and prevention of campus bullying for students. This lecture focused on the topic of campus bullying, combined with recent hot events, and explained to students what is campus bullying, the main manifestations of campus bullying, the causes and consequences.

In class, the students listened carefully and answered actively, saying that they would make friends and purify the circle of friends. Do not go to Internet cafes, game halls and other complex social places. When encountering problems that cannot be solved by individuals, keep calm and do not hide, take the initiative to ask for help from the school, parents or the police, and do not be a bystander of bullying.

Through this lecture, students had a deeper understanding of such events and improved their awareness of protection. Xuancheng Procurator will also continue to deepen the cooperation between procurators and schools, escort the healthy growth of students, and contribute procuratorial power to the construction of a harmonious campus.