Procuratorial Highlights
In the past three years, the procuratorial organs in Xuancheng City have accepted and examined 117 cases involving mafia and evil
Time: November 30, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Anhui NetUniversity Anhui Client News Xuancheng People's Procuratorate today reported the basic situation and main achievements of the city's procuratorial organs in the special fight against crime in the past three years.

Since January 2018, the procuratorial organs in Xuancheng have accepted, reviewed and arrested 395 persons in 117 cases involving criminal syndicates and crimes, and approved the arrest of 322 persons in 108 cases; 704 people have accepted 109 cases involving triad and evil, and 618 people have filed 94 public prosecutions. We successfully handled the case of Fuyang Zhang's brothers involved in criminal syndicates, which was listed and supervised by the National Anti Mafia Office and the Supreme People's Procuratorate.

The procuratorial organ of Xuancheng City has accurately grasped the boundaries of laws and policies, and strengthened the legal supervision of litigation activities such as filing, investigation, trial and penalty execution of criminal cases involving mafia and evil. Since the special struggle, the city's procuratorial organs have supervised the public security organs to file 5 cases involving criminal syndicates and crimes, 7 people, corrected 4 people for missing arrests, 20 people for missing crimes, and 73 people for missing crimes.

The procuratorial organs in Xuancheng have made every effort to dig the protective umbrella and network behind the evil forces. Since the special struggle, the procuratorial organs of the city have accepted 117 clues related to crime and "umbrella", including 67 clues related to crime, 44 clues related to "umbrella", and 6 clues related to crime and "umbrella", all of which have been handed over to relevant departments for processing according to regulations.

Over the past three years, the city's procuratorial organs have carried out supervision over the property involved in the case, which is about 500 million yuan. The Jingxian County Procuratorate successfully recovered a construction land worth more than 60 million yuan from the local court through the preparation and issuance of procuratorial recommendations for a case of Zhang's underworld organization handled many years ago, which effectively safeguarded the national interests.