Procuratorial Highlights
In Fudan, Xuancheng prosecutorial prosecution and civil, administrative and public interest litigation prosecutorial business training classes opened!
Time: December 5, 2019 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In order to comprehensively improve the performance ability and professional level of the police in the prosecution department of the city's prosecution and civil, administrative and public interest litigation, on December 2, the training course on prosecution and civil, administrative and public interest litigation of Xuancheng's procuratorial organs was officially opened in the Law School of Fudan University. More than 40 police officers from relevant departments of the municipal two level procuratorates attended the opening ceremony.  


At the opening ceremony, Yu Sanwei, a full-time member of the Procuratorate Committee of Xuancheng People's Procuratorate, made a mobilization speech.  

He pointed out that the Law School of Fudan University has a strong faculty and a beautiful learning environment. We must cherish this training opportunity; Many newly issued laws and regulations are involved in the process of handling cases, which requires the police to constantly update their knowledge system. Therefore, we must deeply understand the importance and necessity of this study and training; He also stressed that all participants must abide by the rules and regulations of the school during their study, put learning first, and really learn something.  

Li Chuanxuan, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President of the Law School of Fudan University, delivered a speech at the meeting. He first welcomed the arrival of the participants, fully affirmed the cooperation with the Xuancheng Procuratorate since 2017, and finally put forward ardent hopes for the success of this training.  


According to the arrangement, this 4-day training course will invite experts and scholars to give lectures on the hot and difficult issues of procuratorial handling such as the case-based handling of letters and visits by procuratorial organs, the review of civil protest cases, and administrative public interest litigation.