Criminal prosecution
The Supreme People's Procuratorate printed and distributed three batches of typical cases of complex petition cases handled by hospital leaders
Time: January 5, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
The Supreme People's Procuratorate printed and distributed three batches of typical cases of complex petition cases handled by hospital leaders
350 "bone cases" and "nail cases" were all settled, and the work of clearing up the backlog of letters and visits "looking back" achieved positive results

Recently, the Supreme People's Procuratorate printed and distributed three groups of typical cases of difficult and complicated letters and visits handled by court leaders.

These three groups of typical cases include the six difficult and complicated cases of letters and visits handled by the top inspection and provincial hospital leaders in the "look back" activity of clearing up the backlog of letters and visits, as well as the typical cases with good resolution effect and demonstration and leading role in the first letter and visit case handled by the leaders of the grass-roots hospital.

The Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly requires "strengthening and improving people's petition work". The Supreme Procuratorate Group attaches great importance to the resolution of contradictions in difficult and complicated cases. At present, the procuratorial organs across the country have established a mechanism for court leaders at all levels to take the lead in handling petition cases and lead in handling major, difficult and complicated petition cases, promoting the implementation of the first responsibility system and resolving the contradictions in the first petition on the spot.

In order to continue to further promote the governance of repeated letters and visits, resolve prominent contradictions in letters and visits, and strive to ensure high-quality economic and social development with high-quality procuratorial performance services, the Supreme People's Procuratorate deployed to carry out the "look back" activity of clearing up the backlog of letters and visits and the first special inspection activity of handling letters and visits contracted by hospital leaders at the beginning of this year, compacted the responsibility of the first office, and played the "head goose effect", To ensure that difficult and complicated cases of letters and visits are resolved substantively.

The reporter learned that as of December this year, the first 350 "bone cases" and "nail cases" of repeated letters and visits after the end of letters and visits in the "look back" activity of clearing up the backlog of letters and visits have all been settled, of which 187 have been substantively resolved after work, accounting for 53.4% of the total. In addition, the Supreme People's Procuratorate has completed the special inspection of more than 20000 court leaders' handling of the first petition cases in the procuratorial organs across the country, and the resolution of difficult and complicated petition cases has achieved remarkable results.

The person in charge of the Tenth Procuratorate Office of the Supreme People's Procuratorate said that the Supreme People's Procuratorate would continue to promote the clearing up of the second batch of accumulated cases of letters and visits, carry out the special inspection work of the first letter and visits contracted by the hospital leaders in a regular manner, and continue to play the exemplary role of the hospital leaders in contracted cases of difficult and complicated letters and visits.