Dogs and Horses

There is no force in the world that can prevent us from achieving success. If there is, we are ourselves. (Olison Madden)


Anyway, as long as you who I love can live safely, I have nothing to ask for.

demand perfection

Let the time flow, the years change, don't complain, don't say bitter, don't be sad, don't admit defeat, live quietly.

be down on one 's luck

No one laughs at your dreams, they just laugh at your strength.

A clear evil deed

Life needs waiting, waiting for the wind to blow, waiting for flowers to bloom, waiting for the arrival of the dreamer. The soul needs to persevere in waiting, persevere in the calm sun and moon, persevere in the emotional blank, and persevere in the ordinary life.


Don't get familiar with anyone too quickly. Don't think the topic is the same at the beginning

First day of giving up emo

Try every possible way to spend years or decades trying to change others, and you will only get yourself into trouble.

Small steel has been put on line

I often feel that if this thing comes and you don't have the courage to solve it, it will come again—— Liao Yimei

Steamed egg-

We must believe that all efforts will not be in vain, and there will be a bright future!

She is more charming than xx

This face can change the peace of the frontier for 300 years in ancient times!

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PHP determines whether the file or folder exists. If it does not exist, it automatically creates<?   $dir='folder

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In order to scientifically plan the urban renewal of Nanwan Street, where is Shenzhen Nanwan? Longgang District Urban Renewal and Land Servicing Bureau hereby issued the "Longgang District Nanwan Street Renewal Unit Model"

PHP judges whether WeChat or QQ is open, and if it is, the jump prompts that you must use the browser to open the _ source code for website creation _ Yuanxi blog

The source code of the prompt page opened by the same browser as Rainbow Mall has been slightly changed by myself. The specific function is to open QQ and WeChat and jump to other browsers

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