What is lightning strike wood? What are the effects and functions of lightning strike wood - Stupid Resources

What is lightning strike wood? What are the effects of lightning wood

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Lightning strike wood refers to trees that grow normally but are still alive when struck by lightning in rainy days. The struck part is called lightning strike wood. If a tree dies after being split, the split part cannot be classified as a thunderbolt. Because lightning strikes wood to ward off evil spirits mainly depends on the effect of lightning, but if a tree is killed by lightning, it means that the cut down tree cannot store the energy in lightning, and its effect of warding off evil spirits can only depend on the material of the tree itself, and has nothing to do with lightning strikes. In the East
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What is lightning strike wood? Thunder - All Men Are Besieged

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What is lightning strike wood? What are the effects and functions of lightning strike wood - Stupid Resources

 What is lightning strike wood? What are the effects and functions of lightning strike wood - Stupid Resources

 What is lightning strike wood? What are the effects and functions of lightning strike wood - Stupid Resources  What is lightning strike wood? What are the effects and functions of lightning strike wood - Stupid Resources
The lightning stroke wood is: the reason why all relationships become weak, one does not say, one does not ask; Or one question is awkward and the other answer is perfunctory.