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4G is the fourth generation mobile network technology. 4G is used to replace 3G, which provides more reliable connection and higher speed. Specifically, 4G LTE means "the fourth generation long-term evolution". LTE is a kind of 4G that can provide fast connection for mobile Internet experience, 10 times faster than 3G. Many people can use the terms 4G and 4G LTE interchangeably, but they are not the same. 1、 4G features
Dark sky and dark earth, high family

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4G is the fourth generation mobile network technology. 4G is used to replace 3G, which provides more reliable connection and higher speed. Specifically, 4G LTE means "the fourth generation long-term evolution". LTE is a kind of 4G that can provide fast connection for mobile Internet experience, 10 times faster than 3G. Many people can use the terms 4G and 4G LTE interchangeably, but they are not the same. 1、 4G features

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China Mobile lte and 4g

4G is the fourth generation mobile network technology. 4G is used to replace 3G, which provides

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