
to work shame-facedly with one 's enemies Bandwidth and transmission rate

Bandwidth: In brief, it is the highway we built. If one lane is one bandwidth, if several lanes are multiplied by the corresponding lanes, the bandwidth that can run is obtained. It is generally written in professional books that channels can transmit the frequency range of signals without distortion. Transmission media designed for different applications have different channel qualities, The supported bandwidth is different. Channel capacity: the maximum signal quantity that a channel can transmit in a unit time, which indicates the transmission capacity of the channel
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The culprit - bandwidth and transmission rate

Hefei, China News Service, January 26 (Reporter Wu Lan) The reporter learned from the University of Science and Technology of China on the 26th that the university has launched a research project, including Chinese, American and Chilean astronomers, and discovered the most distant primitive galaxy in the universe. Nature Astronomy was published on January 26. It is reported that the Lehmann Alpha Galaxy (LAGER) research project, which is participated by Chinese, American and Chilean astronomers, was recently installed in


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Buerzao Wangxian Stewed Small Ground Pot successfully combines the traditional Chinese rural snacks with fashionable elements, and its unique brand management has successfully enabled the folk representatives of rural snacks to enter the palace of trendy catering. Buerzaowang Xiaodi Pot will provide the way to make dishes in the pot, helping franchise stores to make authentic and distinctive dishes in the pot with cockerels, fresh fish and fresh vegetables. Franchisees can gain huge popularity support by sitting around the stove and eating on the ground


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Recently, a group of people went live with your real name Tiao Yin number under the name of "50-100 days of high rent number" and "live broadcast with goods". In fact, they are doing: live broadcast diversion, live broadcast on the sidelines, illegal live broadcast. Users in the live broadcast room are channeled to WeChat, and a single profit is thousands or even tens of thousands. Give you 50-100, and your account was blocked in the end. Do you think it's cost-effective? What if your account is blocked and the appeal is not approved? Xiaoyu teaches today

 The relationship between bandwidth and transmission rate, and diagram their corresponding relationship - vip quick report - Fan Xiaocuo